

Interpreting the Relationship between Song and Koryo Form Sushi’s Literary Compositions

【作者】 丁元淞

【导师】 苗威;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 唐亡以后,契丹人所建立的辽一直在北方对中原虎视眈眈,并在“澶渊之盟”以后,取得了与宋在东北亚地区平等的国际地位。由于辽对北宋及高丽的军事威胁,导致北宋与高丽之间不能顺利的进行政治、经济、文化等方面的往来。这样的历史客观事实促使北宋与高丽迫切的寻求解决自身困境的方法,欲谋求联合对抗契丹,但却由于种种原因未能实现。北宋著名的文学家、政治家苏轼(1037-1101)适逢其时。由于苏轼在其做官的过程中与高丽有过或直接或间接的接触,并且在其所留下大量诗词文赋之中有较多的涉及到高丽的文翰,这引起了中外学者的广泛关注。在这些文翰中,除了一部分内容直接反映了他对高丽的态度以外,还有很多内容反映了当时宋丽两国间相互交流的状况。本论文即将通过苏轼有关高丽的文翰的分析,来解读其所体现的宋丽关系。论文将分为以下几部分进行叙述:第一章绪论部分介绍了本文的选题目的和意义、研究现状、创新点及研究方法。第二章,对苏轼的生平以及苏轼有关高丽的文翰进行概括性的介绍,并对当时的历史背景做出大致交代。唐朝灭亡以后,中国呈现了一片割据之势,此时,中国北部的少数民族契丹建立了辽朝,并以其强大的军事实力和迅猛之势不断向南部扩张。在北宋灭掉了北汉,统一了中原地区以后,宋与辽两军针锋相对。两国之间为了争夺在东亚地区主体地位的冲突直接影响了整个东北亚地区的政治形势。在这种国际局势下,北宋与高丽出于各自的目的,不断调整其外交方针,朝贡关系时断时续,直至1071年北宋政府出于“联丽制辽”的目的与高丽恢复朝贡关系后,北宋与高丽的朝贡关系才恢复较为平稳的状态,直至北宋灭亡。第三章,宋与高丽之间奉行朝贡外交。北宋政府出于联丽制辽的目的,不仅在经济上给予高丽优渥的回赐,导致高丽贡使乐此不疲地往来于宋丽之间。不仅如此,北宋政府还提高对高丽人使的待遇,甚至满足高丽人使乞买禁书、金箔的要求。苏轼认为对高丽如此的厚赐得不偿失,更担心宋丽间的朝贡有可能成为军事机密泄露的途径,危害国家安全。第四章,在北宋与高丽的往来中,民间贸易是除了朝贡关系以外的一个重要内容,也是宋丽间交流的重要方式。民间贸易不仅增添了北宋政府在财政上的收入,而且客观上促进了北宋与高丽间的经济、文化交流。北宋民间贸易的行使者——宋商,更是在宋丽之间由于政治因素断绝往来的时期内,保持着与高丽的往来,使得北宋政府在出于“联丽制辽”的外交方针需要恢复与高丽的关系时,顺利的重建了与高丽的朝贡关系。苏轼文翰中的另一个重点则是记述了相当一部分有关高丽文化的内容。这当中包括了宋对高丽书籍的输出,苏轼对高丽输入北宋贡物以及高丽僧人的接触。对这些人事物的接触除了增加了苏轼对高丽的感官认识之外,从苏轼对这些人事物的记载中也可以侧面看出当时宋丽间文化交流的情况。第五章,对苏轼高丽观形成原因进行了分析,苏轼高丽观的形成是与当时的宋丽关系和当时的国际局势是分不开的,也与苏轼本人的世界观有着极为密切的关系。并对苏轼的高丽观进行客观全面的评价。第六章,结论部分对本文的论述作了综合性地总结。

【Abstract】 After the death of Tang Dynasty, Liao Dynasty which was built up by Khitan coveted the central plains and the Northern Song Dynasty suffered from domestic sorrows and foreign aggression. After Chan Yuan Zhi Meng, Liao Dynasty obtained the equal stage to the Song Dynasty. The military threat of Liao, leading to the Northern Song Dynasty and Korea can not be smoothly carried out between the political, economic, and cultural exchanges. These objective facts to the history of the Northern Song Dynasty and Korea made them eager to seek the solution of the trouble and they wish to seek a joint fight against Khitan, but this haven’t been materialized for various reasons at last. Sushi (1037-1101), famous litterateur, calligrapher, artist and politician, lived in troubled Northern Song Dynasty. Amount of literary compositions of Koryo were written by Sushi. Based on these literary compositions, this article describes the relationship between Song Dynasty and Koryo at that time with the following sections:In Chapter 1, the object, meaning, study situation, innovative points and study methods of this topic are mainly introduced.In Chapter 2, the author will make a general introduce of Sushi, his literary compositions of Koryo and the historical background. After the demise of the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese have shown a tendency to separatism, this time, the Chinese minority in northern Liao Dynasty was established, and its powerful military strength and potential of continuing the rapid expansion to the south. In this international situation Northern Song Dynasty and Koryo constantly adjust its foreign policy, for their own purpose. The tributary relations between Song and Kdryo is omplex and changeable.In Chapter 3 , in order to fight back Khitan the song government had to ally itself with Koryo .The Song government not only gave a lot of largess to Koryo but also allow the emissaries of Koryo buy the things that used to be sold forbidden. In Sushi’s opinion, this kind of actions can disclosure of military secrets and endanger national security.In Chapter 4, in the exchange of Song and Koryo, Non-governmental trade is an important communicative means. It makes the Song government became richer and accelerate economic and cultural exchanges between Song and Koryo. The merchants of Song played an important role in the intercourse between Song and Koryo. Other points in the literary compositions written by Sushi including the contact with monk in Koryo, some culture of Koryo and soon, reflect the intercommunion between Song and Koryo.In Chapter 5, the author will evaluate Sushi’s concept of Koryo. As a famous minister in Song Dynasty, Sushi concerned a lot about the lives of the country and people. He treated Kpryo based on the profit of the public and the dynasty. Although his conservative diplomatic attitude didn’t improve the cultural communication between Song Dynasty and Koryo, he showed great interest in Koryo culture His actions didn’t bring actual change of relationship between Song Dynasty and Koryo. The friendly communication between Song Dynasty and Koryo in the Northern Song Dynasty established a sound foundation of the communication of the Southern Song Dynasty, and China and countries on Korea peninsula.

【关键词】 苏轼文翰北宋高丽
【Key words】 SushiLiterary compositionNorthern Song DynastyKoryo
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】147