

Municipal E-Government Metropolitan Area Network by Modular Design

【作者】 蔡明

【导师】 周健; 谢欣月;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 市级电子政务网是国家政务外网各地市的业务承载平台,负责接入本地政府机关,直接服务具体用户,并通过外网骨干网接入国家政务外网,组成完整的全国性电子政务网。为不同地区构建一个适合该地区业务需求发展的电子政务城域网是未来几年电子政务网络建设规划方面的重中之重,但由于没有国家明确细致的建设指导,各地都在摸索中进行建设,其中遇到很多问题,也走了一些弯路。本文采用模块化网络设计方法对一个典型的市级电子政务网络规划、建设进行初探,根据用户需求将市级电子政务网分成内网平台模块、外网平台模块、服务器区模块、安全防护模块、网络管理模块五大模块分别进行设计。将复杂的网络规划变得简单、直观、易操作,工程建设中将各个模块分给各个项目团队,同步进行实施,极大地缩短了整个电子政务项目的实施周期,为快速运营提供了网络基础保障。本论文为本地级电子政务城域网提供了一个设计框架,在今后电子政务城域网建设中,可以根据用户需求,删改模块即可快速完成城域网设计,有利于其他地市快速复制。

【Abstract】 Municipal E-government network, serving as a platform of national government extranet network to load practices from each district and city all over the country, aims to connect local government organization providing direct services to a detailed user, which is further linked to national government affair extranet network by extranet backbone network to construct a complete and national E-government network. It is the first place to construct a suitable E-government metropolitan area network (MAN) for different areas to meet their growing affair requirements considering the development and plan of E-government network in the coming few years. All of district and city, however, could only build E-government metropolitan area network gropingly and encountered many problems due to the absence of nationally clear and particular guidance.In this paper, a typical planning and developing of municipal E-government network is investigated preliminarily using a modular network design method. According to certain requirements of users, municipal E-government network can be divided into five modules for independent design, including intranet platform module, extranet platform module, server module, security proof module and network management module. This makes complex network planning simple, visual and easily accessible. When constructing, one independent module is subjected to a project team and then five modules could be performed simultaneously, significantly shortening construction period of E-government project and providing fundamental guarantee for speedy operation.This paper offers a design framework for locally municipal E-government MAN. Thereafter, deleting or/modifying modules could be used to quickly complete a MAN design according to user’s requirement, which also favors copying by other cites.
