

Study on Operations Management of the Real Estate Enterprises Based on Concurrent Engineering

【作者】 秦旭阳

【导师】 李红兵;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前世界经济陷入低谷,并且我国在地产业方面的法律、法规也越来越完善,各种房地产企业的竞争也进入了一种良性的竞争。并行工程20世纪80年代在美国被提出,并且在工业企业中应用较多,展示了显著的效果。有一些建筑企业尝试运用并取得了显著的成果。房地产企业中运用这个思想时间较短、应用程度较低,还没有有力的成果出现。本文将并行工程的思想和方法结合房地产企业的特点建立组织、过程、信息三方面的模型用于企业的改造。使房地产企业在经营管理方面得到改进,进而提高企业的竞争能力,增强企业的生命力。通过并行工程与房地产企业特点的结合,本文建立了一种并行工程模型,在以下三个方面运用:(1)企业组织重组——并行开发团队。将企业的组织模式由纵向的阶段划分(前期、设计施工、销售等阶段),重组为以项目并行团队为单位的并行开发团队模式。这样做将解决企业项目时间过长、过程质量不高、权责不明等方面的问题。(2)企业过程重构——并行过程模型将企业的项目过程通过并行工程的方法,使目标得到完美的分配,建立过程的并行工作模型,将工作的分配和反馈无障碍的传递,最后达到节约项目时间、提高工作质量的目的。(3)企业信息集成——并行PDM模型本文结合房地产企业的一般特点,选用PDM模式的信息集成方法改造企业的信息管理。这种方法强调了信息传递过程的一致性、流畅性和信息的集成,是本文并行模型的特点的体现。最后,通过QFD及DEA等方法对案例进行分析和验证,确定CE在房地产企业经营管理中应用的方式和效果。研究结果显示并行工程在房地产企业中的应用在理论上是可行的。但因为还没有现实的例子来证明该观点,本文在这里将并行工程在房地产企业中的应用做个抛砖引玉的研究,希望以后的研究人员完善这个方面的研究,并在并行工程的应用拓展方面贡献力量。

【Abstract】 Currently , the world economy falls into the bottom, national organisation of laws, regulations in real estate become more perfect and even various real estate enterprises are in a state of benign competition.The concurrent engineering developed in the 1980s in the United States ,was applied in industrial enterprises much, having a significant effect. Some of building enterprise abroad had achieved notable attainments in using it. But in some of real estate enterprise who also applied theory there is no notable attainments because of the short-term and inadequate use. Considering the feature of real estate enterprise author use the idea of concurrent engineering to make three models respectively in the aspect of organization, process and information. Wishly, real estate enterprise could be more competitive with the improved operating management level in the use of concurrent engineering models.Considering the feature of real estate enterprise author use the idea of concurrent engineering to make three models.(1) the model of business organization recombination—project concurrent team Business organization model has been changed form the fore one which was divided into some stage lengthways, as previous work, design and construction, sales and so on, according the project process. In this way, many problems as overrunning project, low process quality, unclear rights and liabilities and so on, could be solved.(2) the model of business process reconstruction—concurrent process modelThe task of project process could have a perfect distribution through the concurrent engineering method. Buliding a non-barrier transmission in assignment and feedback of the work through making a process model is to save time and raise quality of work.(3) the model of business information integrated change—the use of PDM modelAccording the common feature of the real estate enterprise, author choose the method of PDM to perfect the information management in enterprise. This idea emphasizes the consistency, fluency, and information integration of transmission process of the information, which matchs the new concurrent engineering models’ features in this article.Finally,the QFD,DEA is used for express how to apply the CE in real estate enterprise.Result of study shows the application of concurrent engineering is feasible in real estate enterprise in theory. But the first users are needed to prove that. It is just a crude idea. Author hope the new idea could be useful for study in concurrent engineering in the future and researchers make this kind of study more to perfect it.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
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