

Research on the Optimal Path Algorithm of Public Transit Network in Metropolis

【作者】 鄢勇飞

【导师】 朱顺应;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 快速发展的小汽车交通引发的交通拥堵及其附带问题已成为大城市的一个共性且难以解决的问题。优先发展公共交通,提升其运行服务水平是缓解城市交通拥堵的关键。公交乘客如何安全、快捷、方便、准点、经济和舒适的完成出行是衡量公共交通运行服务水平的重要基准。现代社会经济和公交系统的发展,使得乘客在出行行为、出行心理、出行目的、出行时间、出行环境及个体属性等因素发生了很大的变化。狭义上的公交最短路径已难以指导公交出行者的出行。结合现在城市公共交通系统的发展水平与趋势,论文分析了公交系统的模式构成、运营特点和公交时刻表属性,从网络联通特性、公交站点换乘特性、公交线路弧段特性和时间费用几个方面进行阐述。乘客公交出行时会考虑自身偏好、出行目的、外界环境等多种因素,并根据自身的经验和实时获取的有限信息来综合判断。论文从乘客出行行为心理过程出发,总结分析了乘客公交出行路径的影响因素、选择原则与衡量标准,并结合武汉公交调查的实证分析,重新定义了公交出行的最优路径选择原则。考虑到城市公交网络多模式、多属性的特点以及乘客出行要求多元化,论文采用GIS对公交网络进行描述,提出了多模式公交网络数据模型,将公交网络空间数据与属性数据进行了结合。通过分析乘客公交出行的行为——时间链属性,讨论了步行弧段、等待弧段、换乘弧段和行车弧段组成的出行时间阻抗,论文结合合理步行时间和步行范围内的换乘,统一转换了换乘惩罚和票价费用,构建了路径广义阻抗函数模型。论文概述了现有算法的基本特点和应用于多模式公交网络的局限性,提出了基于公交时刻表约束下的最优路径算法,采用了双层搜索的思想,并给出了算法具体步骤流程以及实证讨论研究。通过与其它寻优算法原则所得到的结果对比分析,表明论文提出的模型算法能更好的反映乘客的出行行为心理过程和最优选择原则,为传统公交模式向多模式公交转变下的乘客出行路径选择提供了一种思路方法。

【Abstract】 The traffic congestion and accompanying problems caused by rapid development of automobile traffic have become a common and difficult to resolve in metropolis. Giving priority to the development of public transport and enhancing its operational service levels is the key to ease urban traffic congestion. Passengers complete trips, who consider safe, fast, convenient, punctuality, economy and comfort as the important benchmark to measure the level of public transport services. The factors such as the trip behavior, trip psychology, trip purposes, trip time, environment and the individual attributes have changed greatly. The shortest bus path in a narrow sense has been difficult to guide the bus traveler.Combining the development level and trends of urban public transit system, the paper analyzes the mode composition, operational characteristics and schedules property of public transit system, and describes from several aspects of the characteristics of network unicorn, transfer, bus lines arc and time costs etc. Passengers will consider themselves preferences, trip purpose, the external environment and other factors, and judge comprehensively according to their own experience and real-time limited information. From the behavior psychological processes of the passengers traveling, the paper summarizes and analyzes the impact factors, principles of selection and measurement standards of trip path, and re-defines the principle of the optimal path selection through an empirical analysis of the survey in Wuhan.Taking into account the multi-mode and multi-attribute characteristics of urban public transit network, and passenger trip diversification, the paper uses GIS to describe the public transit network and proposes multi-modal transit network data model, which combines the spatial data and attribute data together. By analyzing the trip time chain property of passengers behavior, and discussing the time impedance consist of foot arcs, waiting arcs, transfer arc segment and traveling arc sections, the paper builds a generalized impedance function model of path considering a reasonable walking distance and the transfers with converting transfer penalty and fare cost unifiedly. The paper outlines the basic characteristics and limitations of existing algorithms applying to the multi-modal public transit network, and proposes an optimal path algorithm based on public transit timetables, which uses a double-search idea, and gives specific steps of the algorithm flow as well as the empirical study.Comparing with the results obtained from the other algorithms and principles shows that the proposed model algorithm can reflect passenger travel behavior psychological processes and the optimal choice principles much better, the paper provides an alternative method for the selection of passengers’ trip path under the situation of changing form the traditional bus transit models to multi-mode.
