

Research on Property Development Financing Model of Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 刘知昀

【导师】 宋平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 金融学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城市轨道交通是城市公共交通系统的重要组成部分。目前,轨道交通已成为城市交通的主动脉,随着城市规模的不断扩大,公交车和私家车的不断增加,给城市路面交通系统带来前所未有的压力,而城市轨道交通具有用地省、运量大、速度快、节能、环保、安全等特点,能够缓解城市交通拥挤,提高城市居民出行的快捷性和便捷性,提高城市公共交通的效率。因此,城市轨道交通已逐渐成为公共交通系统的主要发展模式。但是轨道交通尤其是地铁建设具有投资大、管理运营费用高、建设周期长、社会效益高但经济效益差、成本回收难等特点。因此在轨道交通建设中,建设资金问题是制约着轨道交通建设的主要因素。虽然目前我国进入了轨道交通建设的高速发展时期,但由于融资渠道单一,经营管理模式缺乏市场化,造成了现阶段轨道交通建设资金筹集困难、经营效率低下等缺点,严重制约了其发展。本文在大量研究国内外相关文献的基础上,运用比较分析、演绎推理、价值增值理论、外部收益还原理论、福利经济学理论、流程再造等研究方法,分六章对“城市轨道交通物业开发融资模式”进行了研究。第一章,绪论,说明选题背景、研究目的与意义,对国内外研究现状的述评,以及对本文研究的总体介绍。第二章,城市轨道交通物业开发融资模式的必要性和可行性,通过对现有轨道交通融资模式进行总结和对比分析得出施行轨道交通物业开发融资模式的必要性,同时总结出轨道交通融资模式的演变规律;通过利用物业价值增值理论和外部收益还原理论,从理论得出了轨道交通物业开发融资模式的可行性;通过对香港“地铁+物业”融资模式深入分析,得出轨道交通物业融资模式在实践中的可行性。第三章,城市轨道交通物业开发融资模式的特点,从开发运作、运营开发、资本融资等方面深入探讨了城市轨道交通物业开发融资模式的特点。第四章,城市轨道交通物业开发融资模式的借鉴,主要介绍了香港、广州、深圳的轨道交通融资经验。第五章,武汉市城市轨道交通物业开发融资模式的选择,结合武汉市的实际情况提出适合本地区的轨道交通物业开发融资模式。

【Abstract】 Urban rail transit is an important component of urban public transport system. At present, urban rail transit has become the urban transportation artery, with the continuous expansion of city size, buses and private cars increasing, it brings unprecedented pressure to urban road traffic system, the urban rail transit ,which has the features of land saving, huge traffic, promptness, energy saving, environmental protection, security and others. It can alleviate urban traffic pressure, improve urban residents traveling, and the efficiency of urban public transport. Thus, urban rail transit public transport system has gradually become the main mode of development.However, construction of urban rail transit, especially with a large investment, high operating costs and long construction period, has high social benefits, but low economic efficiency, its cost recovery is difficult. Therefore, in urban rail transit construction, the financing of construction becomes the main restricting factor. Although China has entered a rapid development of rail transit construction period, however, because the financing channels is single, and lack of market-oriented management mode model, resulting in the difficulty of rail transit construction funding, inefficient management, which seriously hampers its development.This thesis, through the study of relevant literature, using comparative analysis, deductive reasoning, value-added theory, the theory of restoring external benefits, welfare economics theory, process reengineering method, studies the financing of urban rail transit. The first chapter, Introduction, indicating topics of background, purpose and meanings and review of the status of international research, as well as the overall presentation of this thesis. Chapter II, urban rail transit property development financing models’ necessity and feasibility, through summing up the existing rail transit financing models and using comparative analysis of rail transit to analyse the necessity of property development finance model, and conclude the evolution of rail transit financing of model; through the value-added theory and the theory of restoring external benefits, it analyses the theorical feasibility of rail transportation property development financing models; By analysis on Hong Kong "Metro + Property" financing model, the thesis researches on practical feasibility of urban rail transit property developing financing model.Chapter III, the characteristics of the urban rail transit property development financing model of the operation from development, through the study on operations development, capital financing and construction, the thesis concludes the features of urban transit property development finance model. Chapter IV, reference of urban rail transit property development financing models, it mainly introduce the Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen’s rail transportation financing experience. Chapter V, the choice of Wuhan urban rail transit property development financing mode, combining with the actual situation of the city of Wuhan, the thesis put forward the region’s rail transportation property development financing mode.

  • 【分类号】F570;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】528
  • 攻读期成果