

A Sociological Research into the Prevalence of Balloon Volleyball in Guangxi

【作者】 刘建伟

【导师】 刘伟春;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平提高,向小康社会迈进,人民的关注点由过去力求温饱转向关心健康和追求生活质量。人们普遍认为体育锻炼不仅能够增进健康、防病治病,而且能够增进友谊、弘扬体育文化、提高人口素质。根据国情和民情,1995年6月20日国务院颁布了《全民健身计划纲要》,明确规定全民为健身计划的实施对象。从《纲要》实施之日至今,活动已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩,在全民健身活动全面开展的大好形势下,人民群众的体育生活也日渐丰富多彩。对全国各省市体育活动开展情况的预调查发现,人们对于健身项目的选择排前10位的依次为:长走跑步、羽毛球、乒乓球、足球篮球排球等大球类、游泳、各种体操(包括广播体操、健操、体育舞蹈)、跳绳、门球、气功太极、交际舞。其中,长走跑步因其方便、易行成为绝大数城乡居民首选的体育活动项目(只有16-35岁的青少年将其选为第2、3位),且选择比例随着年龄的增长而增长。不同年龄段的群体对活动项目的选择具有不同的特点。中、青年人多选择羽毛球、跑步、足、篮、排球、乒乓球、游泳等运动强度较大的“动力性”运动项目,而到中老年或老年多由于身体状况,一些“静力性”项目如各种体操(广播操、徒手操)、气功、太极、门球,长走随年龄增长出现一致的递增趋势。从总体来看,不论哪一年龄段的人从事哪些健身项目,都存有共同的“原则”,一为无需财力投入或少投入;二为简便、易行,居民对技术性要求不强、娱乐型的项目参与率较高,对技术难度大的运动项目参与率较低,对花钱要求小或无需花钱的项目选择率较高,对花钱较多的项目选择率较低。而广西体育部门在1999年前后引进的一项新的体育项目——气排球运动,则迎合了广西居民的传统心理,仅仅用了几年的时间,气排球运动便在广西蓬勃地开展起来,城市、乡镇,甚至是街头巷尾处处可以见到打气排球人,与此同时,社区、系统甚至全区重大赛事中每年都有气排球比赛,气排球运动已经成了广西自治区一种普遍的体育现象,气排球也成为广西人民参与体育健身运动的主要形式之一。2003年以后,广西气排球运动发展迅速,每年大小比赛不断。主要有工会气排球比赛、社区气排球比赛和各个单位、系统的气排球比赛等。追根溯源,大凡一个事物的出现、发展、盛行都有着它深刻的社会学渊源,正如著名体育社会学研究专家卢元镇教授所说的,“每一种体育现象的背后都有其产生和发展的社会原因”,气排球运动在广西的盛行也同样有其深层次的社会原因。就这一社会现象,本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查等方法对广西气排球运动开展的现状,进行深入的调查,进而分析研究气排球运动在广西开展的政治、经济、文化因素,结果表明,气排球运动在广西从开展到盛行,都与广西的政治、经济、文化有着密不可分的关系:其一,从社会文化方面看。七八十年代由女排五连冠而传承下来的社会情感使排球运动深入人心,使人们产生了共同的价值概念和深层次的精神文化认可,于是就有了参与排球运动的渴望,但竞技排球的高要求有让人们望而却步;另一方面,气排球运动所具有的健身键心、娱乐和社交价值以及技术要求低,容易上手,且不易受伤,场地器材简便易行、比赛规则简单,趣味性强的外层精神文化特点满足了了人们内层精神文化的需要;与此同时,随着社会的进步,人们的文化生活水平也有了比较大的提高,使人们在现实生活中更趋向于健康和谐的价值观,逐渐有了正确的健身观念和健身态度。以上这些因素加上广西少数民族所特有的喜聚集、结社的文化生活特点和适宜的地理条件因素,共同构成了推动气排球发展的社会文化因素。其二,从政治制度方面看。自《全民健身计划纲要》在1995年颁布,到现在为止的十几年的时间里,无论是各个上级体育部门还是社区、单位都非常重视体育事业的发展,积极制定了一系列的规章制度促进体育事业的快速发展,气排球运动的发展可以说是恰逢其时,在全国良好的全民健身浪潮的影响下,广西体育部门大力宣传和推广气排球运动,组织各式各样多层次的气排球比赛,比如系统的、社区比赛等,甚至把气排球运动列为区运会正式比赛项目,并培养和锻炼了一大批高素质、高水准的气排球裁判员,使气排球运动在短短的几年时间里遍及大街小巷。其三,从社会经济方面看。人们精神文化生活丰富与否的一个直接原因毫无疑问是经济发展的水平高低。广西气排球运动发展如此之好的另一个原因就是得益于广西经济近年的飞速发展,人们的物质资料越来越丰富,生产效率越来越高,生活也越来越殷实,有了更多的闲暇时间去从事体育休闲运动。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of our country, the people’s livelihood has been on the rise and steped inside the door of a welfare society.Their points of focus have turned from making effort to solve subsistence problem to caring health and pursuing the quality of life. There is a popular belief that the physical training can not only promote health,protect and cure desease,but also promote friendship, disseminate sports clture , raise the quality of population.Our government according to the national conditions and the situation of the people, State Council issue the《The Outline of the Nationwide Body-building Plan》in 20.6.1995,clearly to stipulate that the entire population of a country is the object.From the date of the《Plan》was been issued,we have received a lot of achievements,under the situation of the nationwide body-building all-around to start,the peoplee’s physical life became plentiful and polychrome.By the investigation of the situation what opend all over the country,we discovered that the top ten item of body-building are walk, badmintons, tabletennis, ballgames, swimming,all kinds of gymnastics,skip,door holder,qigong,social dance.among the item,walk is preferred,most of youngers like to choice badmintons, ballgames, swimming.Totally speaking ,no matter which age bracket join which item,there is a same“principle”,one is dispense with pay for it or pay less,the other is simple to act,resident like to take part in require low technical and high entertaining games. The physical department of Guangxi province bringed in a new sport game——balloon volleyball at 1999.This game cater to the people of Guangxi province’s tradition mind,just used a few years,the balloon volleyball was unfolded in Guangxi province.Citys, villages and towns,even at steets and lanes,there were players.At the same time, balloon volleyball match was held at community, public institution every year. The balloon volleyball has became a kind of prevalent physical phenomenon.It also became a major body-building sport.After 2003 the balloon volleyball developed fast, large scale or little scale matchs were unfolded.Just like famous expert of physical sociology LuYuanzhen said:”Every physical phenomenon has the back reasons that make it case and develop.”The balloon volleyball also has the deep reasons to make it unfold in Guangxi province.This Research used documentation, interview, questionnaire survey to survey the reasons that why the balloon volleyball was unfolded so universal.the result indicate that it is closely linked the politics, economy, culture of Guangxi province:Firstly,about the social culture,the social emotion that the women’s volleyball team of China win five champion in the the 70s and 80s was sink deep into the hearts of the people.It make people has the same values and cultural renaissance,then they want to join the volleyball,but the higher technical requirements make them flinch. On the other hand,the value of body-building, entertainment,social intercourse to satisfy people’s requirement.At same time, along with the develop of the society,people’s culture life have large raise,all above these plus the special culture life of minority nationality in Guangxi province, constituted the reason that promote the developmental of balloon volleyball. Secondly,about the political institutions, From the date of the《Plan》was been issued,more than ten years past,not only every higher authorities but also community, public institution,both attach importance to the development of phycial plant, proactive to draw up a series of bylaw for the phycial plant’s development,the development of balloon volleyball suit the times,by the influence of the body-building,the department of Gungxi publicize this game vigorously, organize a lot of balloon volleyball match,for example, public institution match, community match,even make the balloon volleyball as the official games in sports competition of Guangxi.By this way, large quantities of balloon volleyball referees were trained,so the balloon volleyball was unfolded all over the city.The third, about the political culture,the level of economic development without a doubt is a immediate reason that the people’s cultural life rich or not.we can try to think about that if our people difficult to solve subsistence problem,who has remanent mood to pursue cultural life and entertainment. So that, the other reason of balloon volleyball develop so good in Guangxi province is economic development of Guangxi province at very fast speed.It make people’s material more and more plentiful, productivity effect is more and more higher, standard of living is more and more rich.They have more leisure time to go about physical activity because they no longer rush about the life.
