

Towards a Concise Handbook of English Academic Terms of Foreign Origins: A Stylistic and Lexicographical Approach

【作者】 黄丹青

【导师】 林大津;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 语言间的相互输出和吸收是语言发展的常态,这一点在英语发展过程中表现得尤其突出。作为世界上使用最广的语言之一,英语不仅对其他各民族语言产生了重要影响,同时也不断吸收其它民族语言的语汇。由于历史文化因素,外国语言对英语影响最大的主要是斯堪的纳维亚语、法语和拉丁语。这些语言不仅给英语输入了许多专业用语,而且也提供了大量的基本词汇。这些外来词在英语中数量庞大,它们的存在极大地丰富了英语的词汇宝库,使得英语更具有活力与表现力,但同时也对英语学习者提出了更高的要求。除了一部分与日常生活紧密相连的外来语之外,还有相当数量的外来语属于专业化语汇。英语专业高年级本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生和专业教师在阅读英语文史哲论著过程中,时遇per se,a priori,ad hoc等外来学术表述性话语,对其发音、意义或文体色彩不甚了了,查阅语文性通用词典(general dictionary),犹如大海捞针。因此,本文主要回答:1)为何文史哲英语文献中使用这些词语?2)如何为使用者提供此类词语的解释?本课题研究将围绕以上两个问题展开,从语言发展史、文体学和词典编纂学角度,为编纂《英-汉学术外来语简明手册》搭建理论框架和积累基本素材。

【Abstract】 Language borrowings are the normal phenomena in the development of any language. As one of the languages most widely used in the world, English has exerted a great influence on other languages and in turn has itself assimilated lots of vocabulary from other languages. Due to its historical and cultural tradition, English has stored with it lots of borrowings mostly from Scandinavian, French and Latin. These borrowings are not only manifest in vocabulary for ordinary use but also in specialized or academic terms (per se, a priori and ad hoc, to name only a few at the moment), which occupy an important place in the English language and greatly enriches the treasure-house of the English vocabulary for more vivid expression. University senior undergraduates, postgraduates and teachers of English have now and then met with this latter type of specialized or academic terms of foreign origins in their readings of English academic papers or books, not all clear about their pronunciation, meaning or stylistic features even with the help of a language dictionary for general purposes. Therefore, the present paper takes it upon itself to explore the following two questions: 1) What accounts for the use of such specialized or academic terms of foreign origins by English writers? 2) How to provide adequate explanations of such terms in a convenient way? These two issues will be addressed from the multi-perspectives of language development, stylistics and lexicography, thus laying a theoretical foundation of and collecting data for compiling A Concise Handbook of English Academic Terms of Foreign Origins.
