

Philosophical Thinking on Frugality and Conservation-Oriented Society

【作者】 郑国建

【导师】 陈永森;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 人类毫无节制地征服、利用自然资源,使自己面临着严峻的生存环境,人类不得不反省自己的不理性行为和人类社会的传统发展道路。节约作为中华民族的优良传统之一,历史悠久,在我国的传统文化中占有重要的地位。今天面对着人类社会与自然母亲的紧张关系,传统的节约观不仅没有过时,相反在构建节约型社会过程中更成为其理论来源和道义支持。节约型社会作为一种不同于传统的发展型社会,是马克思主义的应有之义,马克思的劳动时间节约理论为构建节约型社会提供了理论来源。可持续发展理论是建设节约型社会的直接理论依据;节约型社会是在对我国基本国情的理性认识的基础上提出的,是中国共产党对人类社会发展规律认识的深化,通过继承和发扬中国传统文化中的节约思想以及吸收马克思的劳动时间节约观,树立节约意识,依靠科技进步,高效循环利用环境资源,最终实现人与自然和谐相处。

【Abstract】 Human beings conquered and used natural resources without restraint ,which has caused themselves to face a severe environment , so that they have to reflect on their irrational actions and traditional development path of human society. As one of the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, save ,not only has a long history, but also occupies an important position of the traditional culture of china. Nowadays, facing the tension between human society and mother nature,the traditional view of saving is not obsolete, on the contrary, it has become the theoretical sources and moral support of process of constructing a conservation-oriented society. A conservation-oriented society that is different from traditional society is a basic content of Marxist. Theory of the constructing a conservation-oriented society is based on theory of saving labor time of Marx. The sustainable development theory is based on the theory of constructing a conservation-oriented society. Constructing conservation-oriented society is on the basis of reasonable cognition of the basic situation in China and is deep cognition of the rules of development of human society of the communist party of China. Through inheriting and developing the view of saving of Chinese traditional culture assimilating theory of saving labor time of Marx, we set up frugal consciousness, save environmental resources which is relying on progress of science and technology, and recycle environmental resources efficiently and then eventually the harmony between human and nature will come true.
