

Review of the Standards and Accreditation of American English Teacher Prepatation Programs

【作者】 林丽花

【导师】 洪明;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 教师素质与教育质量的关系目前已经成为国际社会关注的焦点问题。通过确保教师培养质量来提高教师素养,进而保障教育质量,已经成为国际共识。在保障教师职前培养质量方面,美国最富权威的全国性教师教育认证机构——“全美教师教育认证委员会”(NCATE)做了大量的工作,不仅为教师教育机构制定标准和提供认证服务,而且也进行教师教育方案认证。前者主要针对各具体的教师培养机构或部门,后者主要针对各具体的教师培养专业或课程,形成较为完善成熟的教师教育质量认证制度。创建至今,“全美教师教育认证委员会”已经积累了50余年的认证经验。业务范围也在不断扩大。20世纪末以来,NCATE也开始酝酿对“英语第二语言”(ESL)学科的教师培养方案实施认证,与“它语者英语教师”协会(TESOL)合作,共同开发了“英语第二语言”教师培养方案的认证标准和认证程序。自2002年实施以来,产生了良好的效果,对提高美国“英语第二语言”教师的培养质量产生了积极的影响。相比而言,我国对英语教师培养质量的保障还处于较低的水准,至今尚未建立英语教师培养方案的认证标准和认证制度。因而,对美国英语教师培养方案标准和认证制度的研究,将对建立和完善我国英语教师教育质量保障制度具有重要的借鉴意义。本文在界定了相关概念和考察NCATE与TESOL各自发展历程及相互关系的基础上,阐述和分析这两个组织的结构、职能及相互关系,探讨了NCATE框架下美国“英语第二语言”教师培养方案标准的开发机制和原则,较为详细地考察了“英语第二语言”教师培养方案标准的具体内容和认证程序,并以马里兰州的圣母大学为案例,对NCATE框架下的“英语第二语言”教师培养方案的认证特点、成效和不足进行了分析,希望为我国英语教师教育质量保障制度研究提供借鉴与参考。

【Abstract】 Significant attention has been payed to the quality of teacher and education all over the world.It’s international consensus to assure education quality with teacher quality which is improved by enhancing the quality of teacher preparation. In the field of quality assurance of pre-service teacher preparation,NCATE,the most authoritative national accrediting body of teacher education, has made great efforts and achievements.It has not only established standards for professional units and accredits them,but also developed standards for the teacher preparaption programs.NCATE accredits school,colleges,and departments of education in U.S.colleges and universities as well as non-university entities,which is called unit accreditation.NCATE unit accreditation includes program accreditation which is for specific profession or curriculum of teacher education. NCATE has about 50 years of experience in accreditation of teacher education and has developed sound accrediting mechanisms to ensure the quality of teacher prepararion. In 2002, NCATE cooperated with TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) to develop standards for the accreditation of initial programs in ESL teacher education. NCATE and TESOL have achieved a lot in assuring high quality teacher prepararion since 2002.Comparatively,China still lacks an complete accreditation system of English teacher education. So the research of accreditation for English teacher preparation programs can provide us with rich experience.Firstly,This thesis defines relevant terms and conceptions related to the paper. Secondly,it introduces the history of development of NCATE and TESOL and expounds and analyzes the structures,function and principles of these two organizations and their relationship.Thirdly,this thesis explores principles and guidelines which NCATE sets for the development of the standards for ESL teacher prepararion and dicusses the mechanism of standard development.Fourthly,this paper describes the standards for ESL teacher prepararion and the corresponding accreditation process at length.Fifly,this thesis also introduces the accreditation for ESL teacher education program in College of Notre Dame of Maryland,which is a good example to illustrate the accreditation with TESOL/NCATE program standards.Furthermore this thesis analyzes the effect on implementation of the accreditation system for ESL teacher preparation program, summarizes the characteristics,merits and demerits of the accreditation system and puts forword the experience it provides.

  • 【分类号】H319;G571.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】360
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