

Studies on the English Translations of Xi You Ji with Focus on the Strategies of Domestication and Foreignization

【作者】 黄小花

【导师】 岳峰;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文基于归化、异化、读者反应论和文化翻译观等理论,对詹纳尔、余国藩、蒂莫西·理查德及阿瑟·韦理所译的中国古典名著《西游记》进行比较研究,分类阐述译本中有关下列范畴的译法:礼仪文化(敬语和谦语)、科技文化(古代历法和度量衡制度)、习语文化(成语等)、封建官制文化以及宗教文化,旨在探讨中国古典著作中文化负载项的处理与译法。詹纳尔主要采用归化为主异化为辅的翻译策略,吸引了目标读者且尊重原著文化。而余国藩以异化为主要手段,大量加注使读者易于理解并传扬了中国文化。但过度异化难免会让西方读者失去耐心。理查德与韦理则主要采用归化翻译。然而由于对中国文化认识的局限性,纰误在所难免,但无论理查德译本的明显误译、还是韦理译本中有欠妥当的大量删减,都不能抹煞他们为中西方文化交流做出的贡献。翻译目的的本质是文化交流,译者应尽可能地理解源语言文化并要考虑目标读者可能产生的反应。在某种程度上,归化与异化是相辅相成的。

【Abstract】 In the light of the translation theories related with domestication, foreignization, reader’ response, and culture, this thesis probes into the translation of Xi You Ji, a Chinese classic containing plenty of traditional Chinese cultural messages.Translation involves not only linguistic but also cultural transference. The strategies that a translator uses in translation are related with his or her consideration or expectation of readers’ cultural consciousness or knowledge. In order to explore the ways to deal with culture-loaded elements for translating Chinese classics, the author analyzes and illustrates Jenner’s English version of Journey to the West mainly, with three other English versions of Xi You Ji for comparative purpose. The second chapter deals with translations concerned with the culture of courtesy, mainly honorific expressions and self-depreciatory expressions. The third chapter explores the technical aspect of culture and related translations, including the ancient Chinese calendar and the system of measurement. The fourth chapter is concentrated on the idiomatic aspect of culture and related translations, covering idioms and colloquialism. The fifth chapter focuses on the culture of officialdom, analyzing translations of feudal official titles. The sixth chapter illustrates translations concerned with religious culture.Jenner mainly adopted the strategy of domestication with that of foreignization as an auxiliary strategy. Jenner’s approach can not only attract the TL readers’ interest but also make known traditional Chinese cultural messages. In Anthony C. Yu’s version, the Monkey and the Monk, foreignization is adopted as his main translation strategy, with lots of endnotes which makes the readers’ understanding easier, which facilitates the dissemination of Chinese cultures abroad, but the overuse of foreignization may, to an extent, deprive the readers of the joy of reading the translated works. Domestication is the main strategy used by Timothy Richard and Arthur Waley. The four translators all contributed a lot to the dissemination of Chinese culture. However, because of the translators’ limitations about some Chinese specific cultural phenomena, there are some mistranslations in the four English versions of Xi You Ji more or less, especially the earliest English version, Timothy Richard’s A Mission to Heaven. And there are numerous omissions in Arthur Waley’s Monkey, which does not seem reasonable and may cause readers’ incomplete view of the work. From a higher stand point, the essence of the outcome of translation is cultural communication. Thus the translator is expected to understand the culture of the SL as much as possible and to take TL reader’s possible response into consideration. And the strategies of domestication and foreignization must be used in a way to supplement each other.

【关键词】 西游记归化异化比较翻译
【Key words】 Xi You Jidomesticationforeignizationcomparative translation