
抗病新质源SADAJIRA 19-303的遗传分析及抗性基因的定位

Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Blast Resistance Genes in a New Germplasm SADAJIRA 19-303

【作者】 车荣会

【导师】 施碧红; 赵明富;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 微生物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 SADAJIRA 19-303来源于孟加拉国的水稻全球分子育种计划材料,在福建经过多年多个稻瘟病区自然鉴定和对来自不同稻瘟病区的菌株进行接种人工鉴定,均表现出广谱持久的抗瘟性。本文对抗病新资源SADAJIRA 19-303抗病性和遗传基础进行分析,同时利用回交群体对其稻瘟病抗性基因进行初步定位,为分离克隆这一抗性基因奠定基础,为利用该抗病基因改良稻瘟病的分子标记辅助选择提供了重要的分子标记。本研究主要内容有:1.采用10个国内杂交稻主栽亲本、20个抗稻瘟病单基因系和抗稻瘟病材料SADAJIRA 19-303,对分离自福建省5个水稻种植区的86个稻瘟病单孢菌株进行致病性测定,结果表明SADAJIRA 19-303的稻瘟病抗谱最广,抗性频率为95.35%。对SADAJIRA 19-303和杂交稻亲本和抗稻瘟病单基因系的联合抗病性系数分析结果表明,SADAJIRA 19-303与10个杂交稻亲本及20个抗稻瘟病单基因系的联合抗病性系数都在0.965以上,说明了利用SADAJIRA 19-303的抗性基因可有效地改良杂交稻稻瘟病的抗性。2.对目前常用优异抗源、生产上正在推广的杂交稻亲本和SADAJIRA 19-303进行遗传关系研究,结果表明,SADAJIRA 19-303的籼粳分化属于偏籼的中间型材料,与所有的杂交稻和抗源都不在同一类群。利用该抗源时可以增加杂交稻的遗传多样性,有利于提高杂交稻杂种优势的水平,同时也为杂交稻稻瘟病抗性分子改良抗源亲本的选用提供指导意义。3.抗病亲本SADAJIRA 19-303与两个感病亲本杂交、回交得到BC1F2代群体,接种稻瘟病菌JL0609和SMQ23进行抗性鉴定和遗传分析。结果表明,SADAJIRA19-303对这两个菌株的抗性是由一对显性基因控制。利用BSA和RCA分析方法,对SADAJIRA 19-303抗性基因进行了初步定位。结果表明,该抗性基因位于第11号染色体上RM26945和RGA357之间,其遗传距离分别是10.26cM和10cM。

【Abstract】 SADAJIRA 19-303 coming from Bangladesh in Grobal rice molecular breeding programs, was identified in differrent blast nurseries for many years and locations, and was characterized of broad-spectrum and durable resistance to blast. We have mapped the resistance gene in SADAJIRA 19-303 by backcross populations and anchor target gene-linked markers for subsequent marker-assisted selection and gene cloning. Main research results are as follows:1. Ten parents of hybrid rice planted all over the country and 20 monogenic rice lines developed by IRRI as well as the new blast resistance cultivar named SADAJIRA 19-303 were inoculated with 86 blast isolates collected from five blast serious rice regions of Fujian. The result showed that SADAJIRA 19-303 has a broad resistance spectrum and its RF is 95.35%. The analysis of resistance association coefficient (RCA) of the SADAJIRA 19-303 with the ten hybrid rice and 20 monogenic rice lines demonstrated that the RCA between SADAJIRA 19-303 and all of the varieties used in this study is more than 95.65%. Therefore, we can make use of the resistance genes in SADAJIRA 19-303 to improving resistance to blast in the rice breeding programs.2. We conducted the analysis of the genetic relationship among some reistant rice , some parent of hybrid rice and SADAJIRA 19-303. The result showed that SADAJIRA 19-303 is more likely to the middle type of quasi-indica and it is in a single class not as the same as other resistant rice. SADAJIRA 19-303 as a resistance donor can enrich the genetic diversities and enhance the heterosis in the hybride rice, the genetic relationship among some reistant rice, some parent of hybrid rice and SADAJIRA 19-303. will provide some guiding significance for selecting the donor parents in the process of the rice resistant breeding programs.3. The BC1F2 populations derived from the crose of SADAJIRA 19-303 with MingHui 86 and YiXiangB were inoculated by two isolates, JL0609 and SMQ23.The results showed that blast resistance of SADAJIRA 19-303 was controlled by a single dominant gene. In this study, through bulked-segregant analysis (BSA) in combination with recessive-class analysis (RCA), a linkage analysis was performed in the mapping population. The result showed that the resistance gene was mapped between RM26945 and RGA357 , the genetic distances were 10.26 cM and 10 cM, respectively.
