

Characteristics of Soil Quality Change in Rapid Urbanization Suburb of the Coastal City-Fuzhou

【作者】 杨晖

【导师】 张江山; 李小梅;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 环境科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 福州市作为海峡西岸经济区的一个重要核心城市,其城市化速度较快。南台岛位于福州城郊,是福州市城区扩展最快的区域。快速城市化引起南台岛的土地利用状况呈现出土地紧缺、耕地面积不断减少、建设用地比重日益加大、人地关系矛盾突出的特征。本研究根据南台岛土地利用变化特征,根据网格划分遴选16个土壤环境质量监测的实验样区,对土壤物理、化学指标进行监测,讨论快速城市化区域土壤环境质量变化的外在驱动因素(土地利用变化)特征、土壤环境质量监测的尺度依赖性特征、土壤环境质量空间变异特征和土壤环境质量变化特征。研究结果表明:(1)研究区1989年到2002年土地利用的变化特征:研究区综合土地利用年动态度达到0.8103%;研究区各地类的年动态度大小为建设用地>未利用地>耕地>水域>林地;研究区土地利用变化的驱动机制包括快速城市化进程、人口增长、城市规划和自然地理条件。(2)研究区内土壤环境质量要素的空间异质特征:土壤环境质量要素的空间异质性明显,其变异系数大小顺序为碱解氮>有效磷>速效钾>电导率>有机质>土壤容重>pH。(3)研究区土壤属性指标的监测特征尺度(粒度):为尺度4,即以1.00km~2面积上的土壤混合样品监测结果代表6.25km~2面积的土壤环境质量指标,得到的区域土壤属性指标监测值具有更高的可靠性。(4)研究区不同土地利用方式土壤环境质量指标的变化规律:土壤容重与pH值的变化规律为建设用地>林地>农田;电导率、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾和有机质的变化规律为农田>林地>建设用地。(5)研究区农田土壤环境质量与耕作年限之间的关系:土壤容重和电导率变化为随着耕作年限的增加呈现先降低后升高的趋势,pH变化随着耕作年限的增加呈现降低的趋势;土壤养分含量的指标变化为随着耕作年限的增加而呈现先增加后下降的趋势。

【Abstract】 Fuzhou city is one of the important cities of "The western Economic District of Taiwan Strait" with a rapid urbanization process. Naitai Island is located in the suburb area of Fuzhou city and develops fastly during recent years. The rapid urbanization makes Nantai Island a series characteristics such as land scarcity, shrinldng of farmland, increasing of construction land, serious contradiction between polulation and land. The paper focuses on the soil degradation caused by rapid urbanization. The paper divides the Nantai Island into 16 soil monitoring zones according to their land use properties and location, then collects the soil samples, and makes the experiments including soil capacity, PH, Nitrogen and phosphorus etc. Based on the results, the paper discusses the characteristics of land use change as the external drive for the soil degradation, the scale-dependency of soil monitoring, spacial variance of soil quality indicatiors, and soil quality degradation for understanding the urbanization impacts on soil. The results are listed as following:(1) The characteristics of Naitai Island land-use changes form 1989 to 2002:The General land use dynamic degree of the island reached 0.8103% per year, for different land-use types, the sequence is: construction land> unused land> farmland> waters> forest. The mechanism of land-use changes are the rapid urbanization, population growth, urban planning and natural conditions.(2) The characteristics of soil quality of spatial heterogeneity :Soil quality indicators show apparently spatial heterogeneity, and their variation coefficients are: soil dissoluble Nitrogen > soil dissoluble P> soil dissoluble K> soil conductivity> soil organic matter> soil capacity > pH.(3) The best monitoring scale of soil quality indicators on the study area is the fourth scale, it means that soil monitoring results from samples in 1.00 km~2 may relatively reliably represents those from samples in 6.25 km~2.(4) The soil quality indicators changes under different land use types:Soil capacity and pH changes as follows: farmland> forest> farmland; conductivity, N, P, K and organic matter changes as follows: farmland> forest> construction land. (5) The relationship between soil quality and fanning history on the study area:Soil capacity and conductivity firstly decline then increase within 30 years, pHdeclines within 30 years; soil nutrient content firstly increases then turn to decline within30 years.
