

The Study on Xu Bo’s Collection Activities

【作者】 王小平

【导师】 陈林;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 图书馆学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 徐(火勃)是明代福建著名的私人藏书家,有“红雨楼”等藏书楼群,收藏七万多卷典籍。在“传布为藏”的思想指导下,他不仅收集、整理和刊刻图书,而且还利用藏书进行著述,注重藏书的利用,其藏书活动体现了为辅助学术研究而积累文化财富的特点。在长年藏书活动中他留下了《红雨楼书目》、《红雨楼文集》、《徐氏笔精》和《荔枝谱》等文献,表明他是一位学者型私人藏书家。他的藏书活动既丰富了福建私人藏书活动的内容,又推动了福建社会文化的发展。本文采用跨学科方法,运用图书馆学、历史学、文献学的理论对徐氏生平、藏书聚散、藏书整理、藏书传布和藏书利用进行系统研究。从明清文集、笔记、方志、史书、书信和各种书目中收集相关文献资料,力图清晰地还原和展现徐氏藏书活动原貌,通过他与同时期著名藏书家、书贾的交流活动,揭示徐氏藏书活动的特点与价值。同时,将其藏书活动置于当时的社会政治、经济和文化大环境中进行考察,从而对徐氏藏书活动进行全方位、多角度的探讨。由此,勾勒出明代福建私人藏书活动的概貌,总结私人藏书发展的历史规律,以实现“以史为鉴”的目的,为今天中国图书馆事业的发展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Xu Bo was a well-known private book collector of Ming Dynasty in Fujian province. He had "Hong-Yu Building" and other collection buildings, collecting more than 70,000 Volumes. In the idea of "spread of the possession", Xu Bo not only collected, organized and published books, but also used books to write, and paid attention to use books. His collection activities reflected that his purpose of the accumulation of cultural wealth is to support academic research. Collection activities made him leave "the Bibliography of Hong-Yu Building", "the Works of Hong-Yu Building", "the Notes of Xu", "lychee Spectrum" and other Works, so he is a scholar private collector. Xu Bo’s collection activities not only enriched the private collections of Fujian province, but also promoted the social and cultural development of Fujian province.The article uses Interdisciplinary, such as Library Science, History Study, Literature Study and so on. It researches Xu Bo’s life, the collection and separation, arranging, dissemination and using of books. I collect Works, Notes, Local Records, History books, and various Correspondences of Ming and Qing Dynasties, so as to restore and display the original appearance of Xu Bo’s collection activities clearly. Analyze the book exchange activities between Xu Bo and well-known collectors and booksellers of the same period to learn features and value of Xu Bo’s collection activities. At the same time, I put Xu Bo’s collection activities under the politics, socio-economic and cultural environment to study, and study the collection activities from a full range of activities and many perspectives, which reflects relations between collection activities and the Fujian community. In this way, outline the activities of the Ming Dynasty’s profile of private collections in Fujian province, sum up the Historical law of the development of private collection, in order to achieve the purpose of "learn from history," and provide the reference for the development of Chinese libraries cause.
