

Dynamics Change and Ice-Snow Disaster Effects of Forest Carbon Storage in Changting Country, Fujian Province

【作者】 黄朝法

【导师】 杨玉盛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选取长汀县不同时期的森林植被和2008年初受冰雪灾害影响损失严重的乔木林分为研究对象,结合5期森林资源二类清查统计数据、受灾实地踏查和典型抽样数据,分析长汀县及河田镇森林乔木层C贮量和C密度的动态变化规律,及雪灾造成的C贮量损失并分析其主要影响因素。分析结果表明:1)长汀县1957、1987、1997、2003、2007年各期森林乔木层C贮量分别为5.3869、5.6239、5.3620、5.7272、6.8126Tg C,总体呈上升趋势,50a来森林植被表现出C汇功能;5期C密度分别为22.04、20.12、19.11、19.95、23.11Mg C·hm-2,近10年C密度呈加速上升趋势,森林植被的C汇功能逐步增强。2)各树种组的C贮量变化趋势不尽相同,阔叶树组C贮量所占比重近10年明显提高,将极大地增强长汀县森林植被的固C功能;树干的C贮量远大于其他器官,是构成乔木层C贮量的主体;林龄结构差异是导致森林C汇能力差异的主要原因之一,中龄林是主要的C贮区,长汀县森林林龄结构趋向年轻型,随着目前中龄林、近熟林的进一步成熟,其固C潜能将得到进一步释放,将大大增强长汀县森林C汇功能。3)阔叶林组平均C密度最大,其固C能力比针叶林组强;C密度随着林龄的增长而增加,且整个生长期内干、枝、叶、根各器官C密度所占比例相对稳定。4)河田镇5期森林乔木层C贮量呈先缓后急的曲线单边上升走势,5期C密度分别为20.48、19.15、16.79、17.67、20.95 Mg C·hm-2,其森林植被固C能力比全县平均水平要低,但近10年森林植被固C能力增强的幅度要大于全县平均水平。5)雪灾造成的长汀县蓄积损失95.69×104 m+,折合C贮量损失34.54×104 Mg C,且受损最为严重的四都、红山、古城等6个乡(镇、场)都靠近武夷山脉南麓。6)同一区域相同的立地条件下,针叶树种比阔叶树种受灾严重;中龄林C贮量损失12.84×104MgC,相对损失比最大,幼龄林最小;海拔越高,C贮量损失比例越大;迎风坡面和山脊西北侧的乔木林受灾相对严重;位于中上部坡位的乔木林受灾相对严重,且坡位越高,C贮量损失越大。

【Abstract】 This paper analysed the dynamics of carbon storage and carbon density with forest layer in Changting Country and hetian Town, and the impacted factors of carbon storage loss, by using the the forest layer data in different periods and seriously damaged by ice-snow disaster in early 2008, and combined with forest resourced inventory data of five periods, direct field measurment and typical sampled.The results showed : 1) carbon storage of the forest layer were 5.3869, 5.6239, 5.3620, 5.7272, 6.8126Tg C during 1957, 1987, 1997, 2003 and 2007 in Changting county, respectively, indicating a carbon sink for forests of this area. The carbon density first decreased and then increased, and averaged 22.04, 20.12,19.11, 19.95, 23.11 Mg C·hm-2, respectively, showing a gradual enchance of carbon sink for forests of this area. 2) The dynamics of forest layer carbon storage was different in each tree species, the proportion of hardwood was increased gradually in recent 10 years, and it will increased the potential of forest carbon assimilated greatly in future of Changting Country. Carbon storage of trunk was the main composed of forest layer carbon storage and higher than other tissue. Differences in stand age structure was the main reason for difference in carbon sink among forest types, and the middle-age stands were the main carbon reservior. Based on the current stand age structure, it can be expected that forest of this area are approaching younger and may serve as a large carbon sink when forest maturing. 3) The carbon density of hardwood forest was higher than coniferous, the carbon density increased with the tree age, and the proportion of each compose of carbon density maintaining stability. 4) The carbon storage of forest layer in different inventorys were 20.48, 19.15, 16.79, 17.67, 20.95 Mg C·hm-2 in hetian Town, respectively, the potential carbon assimilated was lower than other Towns but was higher than the average level of Changting county in recent 10 years. 5) The damaged area was 40178.87 hm2 by ice-snow disaster, and was lost 95.69×104m3 forest accumulation, with carbon storage of 34.54×104 Mg C. In whole county, the serously damaged six Towns were all located on the southern slope of Wuyi Mountain such as Sidu、Hongshan、Gucheng and so on. 6) In the same site condition, the lost of coniferous was more serious than hardwood; the carbon storage of Middle-aged Plantation lost serious and amounted to 34.54×104 Mg C and the least was young; the higher altitude, the less lost of carbon storage; the forest layer which growth in windward slope or the northwest of mountain ridge were damaged seriously than others by ice-snow disaster; there was a positive correlation between slope position and the carbon storage.
