

Study on Yangzai

【作者】 邵长满

【导师】 陈庆元;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 杨载,字仲弘,是元代中期著名诗人,在诗与诗论方面均有建树,尤以诗知名。在元代初中期诗歌宗唐得古的复兴运动中,杨载占有一席之地,即便在福建文学的发展史上,杨载与黄清老首倡元音,为福建文学的发展也做出了重要贡献。但是学术界对杨载的研究却相对滞后和零散,一直没有形成系统全面的分析研究。本文着力解决杨载的家世、生平、交游等问题,力图清晰地勾勒出杨载的人生轨迹。杨载的著述,文多散佚,有诗八卷,共计452首,及诗论一部,本文又从诗论、诗文主张及创作、部分诗歌作年考订等方面对其进行整理分析,并将其诗分为酬唱赠答诗、题画品书诗、遣兴偶题诗、体物抒怀诗四类加以研读,肯定了杨载在元代乃至在福建诗坛复古运动中的特殊贡献。

【Abstract】 Yang Zai ,a well-known poet of Yuan Dynasty, he had great deal of research on poetry. He was an important poet not just for the renaissance movement of learning the Tang poetry at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and also for the ancient Fujian literature. Yang Zai and Huang Qinglao were both the organizers of Yuan literature. But the study about Yang Zai has been not enough . So this article is tried exploring the life ,family characters of Yang Zai that the predecessors less involved. Most of his articles are lost today, but his poet survived .Now there are about 452 poets of him, they are in 8 books. Besides there are many omments about poet of him collected in one book .And this paper will make some research upon these books to explain the important role that Yang Zai played of Fujian literature history.

【关键词】 杨载家世生平诗文主张与创作诗歌作年考
【Key words】 Yang ZaiFamilyLifePoetry and creative ideas