

Research on Literary Study (1954-1957)

【作者】 董瑞兰

【导师】 席扬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 《文艺学习》在1950年代的中国文坛上,是与《人民文学》、《文艺报》以及上个世纪五十年代后期创办的《诗刊》等齐名的一份重要的国家级文学刊物,在青年文学爱好者中曾产生过极大的影响。《文艺学习》创刊于1954年,停刊于1957年底。其文学创作具有主题、题材和体裁的“等级化”特点;在文学批评上一直扮演着整肃整个文学创作和确立文学发展方向的“监管”角色。“人民性”、“阶级性”、“党性”等成为评价中国古典文学、中国现当代文学、苏俄文学的中心概念。纵观《文艺学习》的整体风貌,无论从刊物改版的实践,还是从编读往来栏目的开办,我们都清晰地看到编辑在“异口同声”与“自由表达”之间的尴尬言行,也可以洞察向权威意志挑衅的“读者”姿态,和上个世纪五十年代中后期文学言说与政治表达之间复杂的黏合状态。在此基础上,本文以一个个案透视“十七年”文学思潮的复杂演进及其社会文化语境不断变化给文学带来的复杂影响。

【Abstract】 Literary Study was one of the privileged national literary publications in the 1950s, among which were People’s Literature , Art News, and Poetry that was founded in the late 1950s. Literary Study, founded in 1954, had been popular among the youth who loved literature, though it was stopped at the end of 1957. Its literature featured hierarchical themes, genre and standardized type; its critique took it upon itself to supervise the creation and development of literature. National character, class character, and party character had thus been the core concepts in the critique of the classical and modern literature of China and Russian literature. When it comes to the general feature of Literary Study, we witness, either in the practice of updating and the edited column, the embarrassed editors hanging between unified voice and freelance, the aggressive readers challenging authority, and the intimacy between literary discourse and political texts in the late 1950s. A case study is also presented herein to unveil the intricate literary trends in the 17-year Period and the influence of the changing social and cultural context on literature.

【关键词】 20世纪50年代《文艺学习》研究
【Key words】 1950sLiterary StudyResearch