

Identification and Countermeasures for the Environmental Risks on Construction Site

【作者】 况玉和

【导师】 刘书俊; 王涛;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 建筑业作为我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,在我国的经济建设和社会发展过程中发挥着重要的作用。一方面,随着近年来国家对基础设施建设投入的不断加大,建筑业得到了空前的发展机遇;另一方面,由于建筑企业普遍缺乏对于施工现场环境风险的有效管理,使得建设速度与资源节约、建筑施工与环境保护之间的矛盾日益突出。因此,正确地识别施工现场的环境风险并采取相应的对策,成为建筑业实现绿色施工和可持续发展进程中必须解决的问题。本文以中海壳牌石化项目为例,对施工现场环境风险的识别及对策进行了研究,主要包含以下内容:分析了施工现场的环境因素与影响以及产生环境影响的根源;研究了风险识别的基本理论,包括风险识别的步骤、范围、内容和方法等;对当前常用的风险识别方法如专家调查法、幕景分析法、安全分析法、故障树分析法和事件树分析法等进行了分析和比较,并确定了以故障树分析法作为中海壳牌石化项目施工现场环境风险识别的方法;运用故障树分析法分别对中海壳牌石化项目施工现场的火灾、爆炸、泄漏等环境风险类型和施工活动可能造成长期环境损害的风险源进行了识别和分析;针对建筑施工现场存在的环境问题,结合环境管理科学的相关理论,根据作者多年从事建筑施工项目环境管理的经验,提出了以现场环境风险控制和风险应急管理为主要内容的环境风险管理对策。综上,本文运用故障树分析法对施工现场的环境风险进行识别是一次探索,此前尚无类似研究的先例。结果表明,使用故障树分析法能够准确、全面地辨识出施工现场的环境风险因素,这就为今后开展此类工作提供了一种可行的办法;同时,论文中提出的环境风险管理对策具有普遍性,可以对其他施工现场的环境风险管理起到一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The building trade is one of the pillar industries in national economy, it is playing an important role in the progress of economic and social development in our country. The construction industry has obtained great opportunities for improvement along with the increasing investment in the infrastructure construction. On the other hand, the conflicts between speedy development and conservation of resources, between construction and environment protection, have become very serious due to the lack of effective measures against the environmental risks on construction site. Therefore, to properly identify the environmental risks on construction site and take appropriate countermeasures has been a problem that must be resolved before the environment friendly construction and sustainable development can be achieved in the building trade.The research on environmental risks identification methodology and application has been described in this paper by using the CSPC (China National Offshore Oil Co. and Shell Petrolchemicals Co. Ltd.) petrochemicals construction project as an example, it contains the following:Analysis of the environmental elements and impacts of construction activities, and the root causes of the impacts;Research on the basic theory of risk identification, including the steps, scope, content and methodology of risk identification;Comparison of the different methods such as Expert Investigation, Curtain Analysis, Safety Analysis, Fault Tree Analysie and Event Tree Analysis.Using the Fault Tree Analysis to identify the fire risk, explosion risk and leakage risk on the CSPC Petrochemicals construction site.By using relevant environmental theories and taking advantage of the work experience in the environmental management on construction projects, the author proposed countermeasures for environmental risk management with Site Environmental Risk Control and Emergency Risk Management.It is an unprecedented attempt to identify environmental risks on construction site by using Fault Tree Analysis, it has been proved that Fault Tree Analysis can be used to identify environmental risks on construction site accurately and completely, this attempt has provided a feasible solution for environmental risk identification in the future.Moreover, the countermeasures suggested in this paper could also be used to improve the environmental risk management on some other construction sites.
