

Basic Research on Rural Land Transfer Mechanism in Coordinating Urban-Rural Development Perspective

【作者】 李小娟

【导师】 顾建光;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城乡统筹是科学发展观的重要内容,位居“五统筹”之首。推进城乡统筹发展,改变城乡二元经济结构,是我国从全面建设小康社会出发作出的重大决策。土地是城乡经济社会发展的重要基础性和稀缺性要素,土地流转是土地产权在不同主体间的流动、变化。当前,农村土地流转中存在着土地流转不畅、流转不规范、违法违规现象时有发生、农民权益受到侵害等问题,制约了农村土地流转在推进城乡统筹发展中的作用。将农村土地流转置于城乡统筹这一大背景下,结合城乡统筹发展对农村土地流转提出的要求,研究、建立科学、规范、有序且符合我国当前社会经济环境的农村土地流转机制,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文共分四部分。第一部分论述了城乡统筹和农村土地流转机制的关系,分析了城乡统筹和农村土地流转之间的衔接点和互动途径,指出土地流转可以有效推进城乡统筹发展,而城乡统筹发展则优化了农村土地流转的环境,为后文的研究打下基础。第二部分通过对我国当前农村土地流转的现状研究,分析了当前农村土地流转的主要类型,总结了其主要特征,并对其中存在的主要问题进行了深入剖析。第三部分在对土地流转现状分析的基础上,对当前农村土地流转机制的合理性和局限性进行了综合评价,为对策建议的提出作好准备。第四部分是在对前文总结的基础上,提出了改革现有农村土地流转机制的建议。即建立城乡一体的土地市场、公平合理的农村土地流转收益补偿机制、城乡一体的社会保障体系和强化政府在土地流转中的管理和服务职能。

【Abstract】 To balance urban and rural development is the main content of the scientific development thought, which locates in the first position in five overall-planning. It’s the major policy decision which our country has made from the aspect of to build a well-off society in all round way that to balance economic growth in the development and improve structure of rural and urban areas. Land is the important basic material in the development of rural and urban economic, land transfer is the land property transferred or changed from one owner to another. At present, the problem of land transfer are not free, irregular, illegal or irregular acts, infringement of peasant’s legal rights etc are often occurred in the rural land transfer, the effects of rural and urban overall planning development is conditioned by rural land transfer. It has important significance in theory and practice to study the land transfer mechanism under the background of rural and urban overall planning development, and put forward the opinion to set up such kind of rural land transfer mechanism like scientific, regular, order and meet the current social and economic environment.There are four chapters in this paper, first chapter is background, mainly describe the relationship between rural and urban overall planning development and rural land transfer, and point out that land transfer can promote the rural and urban overall planning developing effectively. The second part is mainly research the status of land flow in countryside, analysis the types of land flow in countryside as well as summarize the major features, analysis the main problem in depth. The third part is prepares for the following advice under the background of analysis the status of rural land flow and comment the rationality and limitation of the mechanism of land flow. The fourth part is based on the previous paper and draw on the suggestion of reforming the current land transfer mechanism of countryside. That is to set up integrated land market, reasonable distribution of land compensation, social security integration in urban-rural, to strengthen the government management and service in land transfer.
