

An Improvement of Performance Management System Based on Enterprise Strategy in Jilin Province Dong Xing Company

【作者】 吴晶

【导师】 于桂兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文源于东兴公司在发展过程中出现的绩效管理体系无法对公司发展战略形成有效支持这一现实问题,通过关键绩效指标与平衡计分卡相结合的管理方法,配合鱼骨图分析法等具体分析手段,对东兴公司的绩效管理体系进行了全面改进,形成基于企业战略的绩效管理方法,将公司战略目标层层分解落实到每位员工身上,从而促使所有员工都为企业战略目标的实现承担责任。同时通过该体系在企业中的应用改善企业绩效管理水平,达到最终实现企业战略的目的。本文共有四个部分:第一部分阐述了东兴公司在高速发展过程中存在的管理问题,以及这些问题与企业绩效管理之间的关系;第二部分讨论了东兴公司为了改进原有绩效管理体系而进行的前期准备工作;第三部分是本文的重点,通过对东兴公司发展战略的分解使绩效管理具体化、部门化和岗位化;第四部分的重点是确保改进的绩效管理制度能够落实的具体措施。本文对东兴公司以战略为导向的绩效考核方案的实施提供了理论指导和技术帮助。

【Abstract】 In this paper, Dong Xing Company in Ji Lin Province the status quo, to examine its strategic-oriented performance management system to improve it. Performance management is the core of human resource management.Traditional performance management’s main concern is the result and lagging financial indicators, indicators are also the main source of their personal job responsibilities based on the results of performance appraisal applications are limited to a simple evaluation of employees. From the industrial age to the information age the process of transition, enterprises face the uncertainty of the external environment so that enterprises recognize the importance of strategic management, corporate performance management capabilities gradually come to realize not only applies to staff appraisal, performance management is a to ensure that enterprises an effective means to achieve strategic objectives. The traditional indicators of performance evaluation from a static job responsibilities, these indicators and strategic requirements of dynamic there exists an obvious disconnect, in this case, the traditional performance appraisal indicators for a single, source of unreasonable limitations of ex-post evaluation can be more and more obvious, therefore, research to strategy-oriented performance management has important practical significance.In this paper, Dong Xing company’s development status, analysis Dong Xing corporate performance management problems, to find out the current performance management, ineffective crux of the matter along the "assessment of an improvement of the original system discussed in a pre-prepared to develop an improved performance management system to ensure a Improved performance management system implemented measures "writing ideas, divided into four parts of the strategic-oriented performance management system to build a systematic study.The first part of the Dong Xing Company introduced the background of the situation, pointing out that the problems at this stage, as well as business issues and performance management relations. Specifically, the main existing performance management failed to create an effective support of business strategy, and in the process of system development and implementation of a lack of employee involvement. The key role of performance management is to enable the continuous improvement of staff performance and skills on the rise, as the main performance management, one should let the staff performance plans, performance counseling and performance evaluation and performance feedback throughout participation, through work with the competent commitment to work together to enhance performance; second part, dealing with performance management system to improve the preparation work, including the carding process of enterprise development strategy, organizational structure improvement and post analysis. These three aspects of work and performance management have a close relationship, especially in today’s changing market environment, situation, business workflow, organizational structure and employee job responsibilities must also be with the times and adapt to market requirements. Work practice in business, organizational structure and performance management should be viewed from a process perspective. To functions in the traditional management of the Center mode, the employees are from a functional perspective on the process rather than the operation of enterprises, which inevitably lower the efficiency of business processes. In this case, decomposition of the strategic objectives of the design department key performance indicators and key performance indicators of personal time, although to solve business goals, departmental objectives and the logic of the relevance of personal goals, but it can not solve the departments, staff and employees coordination problems, individuals are bound to arise only from the perspective of their own departments or individuals look at other departments and staff with the division of labor relations, they will believe that the personal or departmental goal is to give priority to other departments and staff objectives above. This tend to focus on the functions obtained from the department’s key performance indicators can not adapt to the inevitable way to compete in today’s rapidly changing environmental requirements, but when we proceed from a strategic goal to the starting point of the design process as a management company’s key performance indicators will greatly enhance the enterprise’s adaptability, improved corporate performance management. In addition, with the carding process and organizational structure to improve the role of the same, clear job responsibilities and the establishment of qualification system for the establishment of effective performance management system is also of great significance. Because only a clear job responsibilities, we can find jobs indicator system for the sector the driving force, and can be determined according to qualifications of staff learning development plan. The third part is the core of this article discusses the Dong Xing Company specific performance solutions. Will be widely used in practice key performance indicators of law and the Balanced Scorecard method combines two methods to develop Dong Xing corporate performance management system. First, decomposition of strategic goals, primarily in two steps, first step is to build the organization’s strategic map; The second step is the decomposition of the strategic objectives, according to the company strategic goals of performance appraisal to determine the key performance indicators. Guan A series of key performance indicators is focused on enterprise performance in the evaluation of indicators, which the enterprise’s current development and future success played a key role. It is used to measure the performance of a post officer job performance of specific quantitative indicators, was completed, the most direct measure of effectiveness of methods. Key performance indicators of enterprises from the decomposition of the overall strategic objectives, reflecting the most effective influence on value creation of the key drivers of enterprise development strategies, performance indicators and enterprise connectivity bridge. Text by use of the Balanced Scorecard is based on business strategy based on a variety of measurement methods will be integrated into an organic, from the four different dimensions to measure performance: financial perspective, customer perspective, internal operational point of view and learn from a development perspective. The financial point of telling corporate managers that their efforts are the economic benefits of enterprises had a positive role in the objective is to solve the "how to look at our shareholders," this kind of problem is the other three dimensions of the starting point and destination. Customer point of view reflects the business-to-external reflection of the changes aimed at addressing the "customers how to look at us," this kind of problem, from the time, quality, Performance, service and cost of four would pay attention to market share and customer needs and satisfaction. Enterprises to improve their internal operations perspective is the focus of their business performance, the dimension of the goal is to solve the "good at what we have" this kind of problem, the report internal efficiency, attention to result in better overall performance business processes, decisions and actions, in particular, customer satisfaction is the important influence of productivity, production cycle, cost, rate of qualified products, new product development speed indicator. The goal is to learn from a development perspective to resolve, "whether we can continue to improve and create value" of this kind of problem, pay attention to analysis of the ability to meet demand and existing capacity gaps, will focus on the internal skills and capabilities, through training, technical improve products and services to make up. The four indicators in the area linked by causal relations to form a complete performance assessment as a whole. Key performance indicators are one of the core content of the Balanced Scorecard, the Balanced Scorecard throughout the design ultimately fell to a number of key indicators, only through these key indicators, business managers can the overall business situation of enterprises evaluated and adjusted to ensure that set the strategic objectives. Therefore, in selecting indicators, one should pay attention to maintain consistency with the corporate strategic planning, but also pay attention to the choice of indicators that can be operational; fourth part of the study to ensure an improved performance management system, effective implementation of specific measures, ideological mobilization of and organizational safeguards to ensure the system for landing.In this paper, based on strategic objectives of performance management conducted a systematic study with a view to reflect this approach in the important role of business management through the balanced scorecard and key performance indicators, in combination, to improve enterprise performance levels, to achieve the desired strategic objectives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【下载频次】171