

Design and Implementation on Method of Topology Discovering and Network Flow View for Local Area Network

【作者】 许涛

【导师】 刘希玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先分析了区域网络管理中存在缺乏有效的管理手段、自动处理能力不足、忽略对局域网管理等问题,指出造成这些问题的一个重要原因是缺乏网络拓扑自动发现能力。本文按照所利用的网络协议的不同,把网络拓扑自动发现算法分为三类:基于SNMP的拓扑发现算法、基于通用协议的拓扑发现算法和基于路由协议的拓扑发现算法。并比较分析了它们的特点和优缺点。并根据目前区域网络的特点,选用基于SNMP的拓扑发现算法作为区域网络拓扑自动发现算法。并提出了利用图的广度优先遍历实现网络拓扑自动发现。并给出了算法描述及该算法在VC++.NET开发环境下的实现方法。本文详细讨论了拓扑自动发现、网络流量统计和拓扑绘制关键问题。阐述了SNMP协议的相关知识、MIB库的结构和获取MIB库中数据的方法。介绍了SNMP++程序开发包的特点和优点。由于使用SNMP++开发网络管理程序简单和高效,所以在做系统开发时,使用了SNMP++开发包,并利用VC++.NET作为开发环境。开发了一个拓扑发现及流量监视系统。在学校校园网中使用该系统,正确地绘制了校园网络拓扑图。通过使用,说明该系统能适应区域网络环境,并验证了该系统所发现结果的正确性以及本文所提出的算法的有效性。和同类算法相比,该系统具有较高的效率。

【Abstract】 This paper analyses the problems about IP network management such as little methods to process alarm messages, lack of abilities to automatic processing and solutions for LANs management, and points out one of the main cause of them is the lack of automated solutions for discovering the network topology. According to the network protocols used in topology discovery algorithms, we categorize them into three classes. They are topology discovery algorithms based on SNMP, base on primitive protocols (such as ICMP, TCP/IP) and based on routing protocols. We compare and analyse their characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. Under the current campus network characteristics, we will use SNMP-based Topology Discovery algorithm automaticly for finding compus network topology. We use the graph’s BFS to implement discovery of compus network topology automatically. We describe an algorithm and implement the method of it under VC++.NET development environment.This paper discusses the key issues of topology discovery automatically, topology mapping of network flow statistics. We explained the SNMP-related knowledge, the MIB database structure and access methods. We introduced the characteristics and advantages of SNMP++ process development kits. Development using SNMP network management procedures are simple and efficient, so we have to do systems development, using SNMP development toolkit. Using VC + + as a development environment, we developed a topology discovery and flow monitoring system. Use it in the school campus network, we have the right to draw the campus network topology.At last, we design and implement a general-purpose aucomatic topology discovery system in computer network using the three topology discovery algorithms and the topology updating algorithm. Many test cases have proved that the system can work well in a heterogeneous network. And the correctness of the three algorithms for topology discovery and the one for topology updating has been proved by some test cases.We tested the system, proved that the system can adapt to the campus network environment. We verified the accuracy of the results found in the system; In this paper, the proposed algorithm is effective. The algorithm is higher efficiency and practicality than other similar algorithm.
