

Task-based Cooperative Learning and EFL Teaching for Art Students in Senior High Schools

【作者】 庄珍荣

【导师】 曹春春;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展和艺术类学校招生规模的不断扩大,普通高中艺术类考生在高考中所占的比重也越来越大。众所周知,中学艺术生作为中学生中一个特殊群体,往往重专业技能而轻文化素质。由于主观和客观条件的限制,他们英语学习状况尤其令人担心。随着世界政治、经济、文化的发展,国际间的交流日趋频繁,英语成为绝大多数国际会议和商业活动的通用语言,也是学生继续深造所必考的一门科目。所以如何针对这些学生的认知基础和认知特点,让英语变成他们喜学乐学的一门课程,改善中学艺术生的英语学习状况并提高他们英语的学习的兴趣和能力是教育者义不容辞的责任。但是,在中国传统学习课堂环境中,由于高中艺术生英语基础的薄弱,英语老师在针对艺术生进行英语教学时通常采用传统的以老师讲解为中心的灌输讲授法。这种做法使学生养成了依赖教师讲解的被动学习习惯,也在一定程度上让学生失去了主动参与英语学习的兴趣。因此,改革英语课堂,对高中艺术生实行新的英语教学方式势在必行。新课程标准倡导教师采用合作学习的方式在教学中推行任务型的教学模式,其有效性已经得到了许多语言学家与教育工作者的认可。在课堂上,学生能成为学习的主人,而老师进行引导和指导,学生能够锻炼自己的合作能力,交际能力和运用知识的能力,为以后的学习和工作以及以后的人际交往打下坚实的基础。由于本文研究的对象是即将参加高考的高三艺术生,所以用合作的方式让学生完成英语学习的任务更有利于学生集体观念、合作意识、创造能力的培养;同时也为学生提供一个宽松、和谐、独立思考的自主学习环境,缓解学生由于高考的临近而产生的紧张心情。本实验研究以克拉申输入假设和情感过滤假设、Long的互动假说、语言学家Swain语言输出假说、社会互赖理论为基础,拟通过建立任务合作式的课堂英语教学模式,通过问卷调查和对实验班和控制班的前后测比较,采用同桌合作,小组合作与师生合作的方式来培养提高高三艺术生的英语学习能力、合作能力、交流能力,进而减轻英语学习的心理压力,并且为他们的高考入学考试做好充分的准备。60名被试是来自山东省日照市五莲县第三中学两个班的高三艺术生。通过前测,高三十五班和高三十六班被随机定为实验组和控制组。本研究假设为:1)用合作的方式让学生完成英语学习的任务能更有效地提高实验组的英语学习能力,缓解学生的高考压力;2)实验组英语学习能力的提高将会导致考试成绩的相应提高并和控制组成显著差异。实验工具为问卷调查、课外座谈、教学实践和英语水平测试。EXCEL软件被用于数据结果分析。通过实验、分析和讨论,本研究发现:1)实验组的整体英语合作学习能力高于控制组,课堂学习气氛热烈,面对高考的心理压力有所缓解。2)实验组在考试中成绩没有显著高于控制组。实验结果证明假设一成立,即用合作的方式让学生完成英语学习的任务在一定的程度上能提高高中艺术生的英语学习能力,活跃课堂气氛,缓解学生紧张的心理压力。实验后的测试说明三个月的任务合作式课堂英语教学不能使实验组的成绩随合作能力提高而相应显著提高,所以假设二没有被证明有效。经过分析实验的结果,笔者认为:用合作的方式让学生完成英语学习的任务能够让学生更自信并积极主动加强对英语的学习,融洽同学关系和师生关系,缓解学生的高考压力。但是,由于合作学习的经验和时间的不足以及艺术生本身存在的基础薄弱等诸多原因使得实验组的英语考试成绩在实验期间没有得到快速提高并和控制组有显著差异。因此,任务合作学习方式在高中艺术生英语教学中的应用有待于进一步的探索和改进。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of society and the enlargement of enrollment scale of Higher Art Institutes, more and more art students in senior high schools are admitted to colleges and universities through the College Entrance Examination.As is well known, art students in senior high schools spend more time and energy in practicing the skills of drawing and singing and do not take their academic studies and the acquirement of knowledge seriously. What is worse, for various reasons, it is usually rather difficult for them to keep working hard at English. However, as international communication is becoming more frequent, English is regarded as the working language by most international meetings and trade activities, English knowledge becomes a must for further education. As English teachers, in view of their characteristics of cognition and foundation, we are responsible for the improvement of these students’English learning so as to meet the demands for their further development in the future.In terms of the Chinese learning custom and context, facing the art students’poor English, the idea of teacher-centeredness is popular with English teachers and the students gradually foster dependent spoon-fed habit in learning and lose interest in English class. Thus, although the teacher spares no efforts to make the students to acquire more in class, the result is far from satisfactory. Therefore, it is urgent to reform the teacher-centered English teaching method for the art students in senior high schools. This research intends to apply the task-based cooperative learning to English teaching of art students in senior schools. By adopting task-based cooperative learning in EFL Teaching, whose advantages have been proved by many linguists and educators, we hope to change the teacher-centered class into the students-centered class so as to arouse their interest in English so that we can train our students to be capable individuals, who can work and cooperate with others successfully. This experimental research applies the tasked-based cooperative learning to the art students in Senior three who will soon take the college entrance examination. So it is hoped that task-basked cooperative learning can offer a free, harmonious and interdependent climate for English learning, which will better their various abilities such as cooperation, communication and creation, aside from relieving their anxiety from the coming college entrance examination.According to Krashen’s Input Hypothesis and Filter Hypothesis, Swain’s Output Hypothesis, interaction hypothesis, and Social Interdependence Theory, this dissertation carries out an experimental study of task-based cooperative learning in English teaching in the form of pair work, group work as well as cooperation between the teacher and students on the art students in Senior Three from Wulian No. 3 Middle School in Rizhao. The experiment lasts for about three months. The research attempts to improve the subjects’abilities of English-learning, cooperation, communication and so on. It begins with a pretest for 60 subjects from two classes after a questionnaire is made on their motivation of English learning and preference of cooperation and the equivalent groups are randomly assigned as the control group and the experimental group. After the experiment, another questionnaire is made to know about the student’s opinions of the new teaching method. The primary research hypotheses are:1) Task-based cooperative learning is more effective than the teacher-centered teaching method in improving the abilities of the students’English learning and easing their pressure for the coming college entrance examination. 2) The progress of the experimental group in English learning is gained and the higher total average score of the first English examination for the coming college entrance examination can be received. The experimental instruments are questionnaires, teaching practice and English proficiency tests. EXCEL is used to analyze the collected data.Based on the experiment and the data analysis, the following findings are arrived at: 1) The experimental group’s total abilities of English learning, motivation of cooperation and responsibility are improved by task-based cooperative learning 2) The experimental group’s test scores have not been greatly improved compared with their developed abilities after three months’experiment.It has been proved that the task-based cooperative learning can arouse the students’interest in English and develop the subjects’ability of English learning, self-confidence and good relationship between the teacher and the students. At the same time, the cooperative classroom atmosphere inspires their intrinsic motivation and lessens their pressure for the coming college entrance examination. However, owing to three months’limited experimental time and lack of penetrating research and study, the subjects have not improved their English level greatly. Thus, the application of task-based cooperative learning to senior art student English teaching requires more attention and further research.
