

The Derivative Mechanism of Gather-dynamic Quantifiers

【作者】 贾萍

【导师】 张新明;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在量词的众多分类中,有一类量词从来源上讲,几乎都是从动词转化而来的,它们具有研究的价值。我们选取其中典型的具有[+聚集]语义特征的部分量词作专题考察。第一章是绪论部分。我们主要介绍了论文选题的目的和意义,聚集义动态量词的研究综述,本文的研究理论、方法等问题。第二章我们对聚集义动态量词的概念进行了界定,从语义上将本文的研究对象分为三类,并考察了聚集义动态量词的句法功能及重叠等问题。第三章我们探讨了聚集义动态量词与名词的双向选择的问题,指出由于大部分量词都保留有作为实词时的语义积淀,具有范畴化的倾向。本章还探讨了制约聚集义动态量词运用的认知因素。第四章我们考察了聚集义动态量词的虚化历程,并对聚集义动态量词虚化的认知机制进行了探讨,发现隐喻机制、句法位置的变化、语言内部力量及泛化机制都发挥着重要作用。第五章我们对量词“把”作了考察,发现它可以作名量词,也可以作动量词:可以是个体量词,也可以是集体量词。我们找出了其在不同的历史阶段意义演变的过程,进而由量词“把”的虚化历程预测聚集义动态量词的发展方向。结语部分我们将论文探讨的主要内容进行了总结,说明论文的研究价值和可能的创新点。

【Abstract】 In many classification of quantifiers, one kind is very special, it is comes from the verb. This kind is worthy of being well studied on. We select the typical classifiers which have the semantic features of "gathered "to investigated on.Chapter One is the preface of the paper. It instructs the purpose and the significance of our paper. Also, we conclude a comprehensive analyze which abstracts from some linguists and their works.Chapter Two we defined the concept of the Gather-dynamic Quantifiers, divide them into three types. Also, we analyze the syntactic function of the Gather-dynamic Quantifiers.Chapter Three we study on the selectiveness of the bilateral side which requires a collocation of the Gather-dynamic Quantifiers as well as the noun. At the end of Chapter Two, we give a cognitive explanation about this problem.Chapter Four we investigate the development of the Gather-dynamic Quantifiers. We believe that metaphor and the internal forces of language play an important role in this process.Chapter Five we give a detailed research of quantifier "6a". From this, we forecast the development trend of the Gather-dynamic Quantifiers.We hope our research could do some good for the Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language and also for the computer information process.
