

【作者】 陈竑

【导师】 王从仁;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从张岱所处的时代背景、家庭环境及其个人经历三方面因素入手,分析其出游的现实原因,详述张岱生平的旅游经历。透过张岱的游综及其游记散文,全面地分析其出游的行为特点,以期真实、详尽的展示张岱生平的出游概况。张岱出生于世宦之家,家境殷实,早年生活条件优越。受晚明特殊社会风气的影响,张岱自幼便深受市民文化的浸染,与世俗文化结下了不解之缘。张岱生性好游,足迹遍布江南的繁华都市。他以一个文人特有的眼光,怀着对市民文化浓厚的兴趣,描绘了江南地区丰富多彩的文化生活和民俗娱乐活动。张岱热爱民俗文化。他以旅游的方式,广泛地接触社会,以自己的观察和亲身实践,致身于朝气蓬勃的市民文化生活。作为一名社会上层知识分子,张岱很好的将传统的高雅文化与方兴未艾的世俗文化融为了一体,为晚明文坛增加了一道别具一格的风景线。

【Abstract】 From the point of the historical background,family background and Zhangdai’s personal experience, this paper analyze the reasons of his travelling and the course of his travelling in detail. In this way, to analyze the distinguishing feature of his travel totally and to show the journey situation in his whole life truely and comprehensively.Zhangdai was born in a official and rich family. He lived a kind of superior living conditions in his early years. Because of the special social atmosphere, Zhangdai was absorbed in the public cultures and formed a kind of special relations with the cultures. Zhangdai likes travel very much. He traveled all over the famous cities in Jiangnan. Through the eyes of a literati, Zhangdai with a strong intersts showed the colorful culture life and the fork entertainment in Jiangnan.Zhangdai likes fork cultures deeply. He accessed to a wide rang of society by the way of travelling and put himself into the vibrant fork culture by his observation and practice. As a top intellectual, Zhangdai combined the elegant culture with the secular culture wonderfully and added a special scene in the history of Ming’s literature.

【关键词】 张岱旅游游记散文
【Key words】 ZhangdaiToursimProse
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】473