

Research and Realization of 3D Flame Simulation Model

【作者】 盛小勇

【导师】 房爱莲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自然景物模拟在计算机图形学占有非常重要的地位,而且自然景观的三维模拟在电脑游戏、电影特效、虚拟现实等领域中使用得越来越频繁。虚拟模拟常用的方法有分形几何方法、纹理映射方法、粒子系统方法。火焰模拟是自然景物模拟的重要研究内容之一。本文从视频纹理、粒子系统两种方法来实现真实火焰的模拟,提出怎样从几段火焰视频合成视频纹理,怎样从火焰视频纹理来构建三维火焰模型;同时对火焰粒子系统的粒子做了运动分析,简化粒子受力状态,建立火焰粒子数据结构,并初始化粒子属性。最后对两种方法的仿真效果进行比较和总结。视频纹理是近几年提出的介于图像与视频之间的新型媒体,既具有图像的真实性,又有视频的动态性。本文应用视频纹理的思想,对一个真实火焰场景从八个不同角度同时拍摄视频样本,对这些样本进行分析和处理,合成八段无限连续的火焰视频纹理,然后将这些视频纹理映射到柱体上,实现三维效果。粒子系统是模拟复杂的、运动的、不规则物体非常有效的仿真技术。本文通过对火焰外观运动的分析,简化火焰粒子的受力作用,只考虑火焰颜色变化和摇曳摆动,建立火焰粒子数据结构,初始化火焰粒子属性,然后根据每帧火焰粒子运动状态属性,进行绘制。最后两种建模方法的仿真实验结果分析,从真实感、实时性、交互性方面进行比较。

【Abstract】 The simulation of the natural scenery in computer graphics occupies a very important position, and the use of the three-dimensional simulation of the natural landscape in arears such as computer games, film special effects, virtual reality may become more and more frequently. The virtual simulation methods commonly used fractal geometry method, texture mapping method, particle systems.Fire simulation is a important research aspect of natural scene simulation. This article realize the simulation of the reality flame from video textures,particle system two ways, and put forward how to synthesis video textures from a few flame video paragraphs,how to build 3D flame model from video textures. The particle motion of the flame particle system was analyzed, with simplified particles force analysis, established the flame particle data structure,initialized the particle properties. Finally, comparing and summaring the two simulation methods.Video textures made in recent years, which is between kinds of images and video between the new media, has both the advantages of the image, another dynamic video scene. In this paper, video textures of thought, a real fire on the same scene shot from different angles, eight out of eight video samples of these samples for further analysis, and associated processing synthesized eight out of the flames of an infinite continuous video textures, then this 8 Duan video texture on the texture mapped to a sphere. Due to the continuous movement of the flame shape, as well as three-dimensional scene in perspective constantly changing, the need for the relevant texture synthesis. At the same time and we are the flame of the main paragraphs of video modeling to simulate the spread of fire effects to achieve real material to meet the special effects to change the interaction.
