

Research of Dynamic Replication Access-load-balancing Strategy on Heterogenerity Structured P2P Network

【作者】 葛建清

【导师】 张卫;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对等网络技术打破了传统的“客户/服务器”模式,使网络中所有的结点都处于平等地位,任何两个网络结点之间都能够共享文件、传递消息。对等网络的目的是让一切网络成员享有“自由、平等、互联”的功能,这使得对等网络技术受到越来越多的青睐并取得巨大发展。结构化对等网络假设所有文件访问频率是相同的。然而,在实际应用中,用户对于不同文档的关注程度并不一样。此外,在某些突发情况下,极大部分请求会涌向极少数的结点,形成“访问热点”。倘若出现访问热点的结点没有足够的能力来处理这些超负荷的请求,就很容易造成结点崩溃,导致请求者由于屡次请求没有得到响应而放弃使用对等网络。系统的异质性也会影响到负载的均衡,各结点的性能不同,处理请求的能力也不同。如何充分利用系统的异质性,及时地均衡访问负载,消除访问热点,是一项提高网络效率的关键技术。国内外有很多学者都对消除热点达到访问负载均衡问题进行了研究,也取得了很大的成效。常用的动态负载均衡热点消除技术有复制技术、虚拟结点技术,其中复制技术最为常用。本文针对国内外在对等网络中采用的各种复制技术进行研究分析,提出一种基于异质结构化对等网络的动态副本策略(DRS)。该策略充分利用每一个结点的处理能力,通过动态副本的设置,提高了网络的负载均衡程度。同时,该算法还采用了动态调整副本策略,结点根据自身的利用率和热点数据访问频率动态决定副本的数量,并发散地分布在网络中。本算法还为副本设定了生命周期,并定期地检查副本的使用情况,从而大大减少了维护开销。本文通过仿真实验,在p2psim仿真器上对DRS方法进行模拟。实验结果表明,上述方法能够较好地均衡负载,请求报文的丢弃也相对减少,同时,网络的利用率上也得以平衡。

【Abstract】 The peer-to-peer network (P2P) broke the traditional client/server mode. In P2P network, all nodes are in the equal state, which make each node can share files and transmit information freely. Due to its character of freedom, equal and inter-connect, people pay more attention to it. Structured P2P networks suppose all the files sharing the equal accessing frequency, but in real situation, all the people’s demands to these files are different. In some emergency condition, the web will be flooded by people’s request which makes it become the "hotspot". If the web isn’t able to deal with these too hot accesses, it may be crashed. People will lose the confidence to P2P and turn to other choice because of the frequently packets-dropping. The heterogeneity of system also causes the imbalance of node’s load. The node’s character determines its ability to handle the access. In one word, how to make full use of the heterogeneity of system, deal with the imbalance of load, and eliminate the hotspot is one of the most important problems in the P2P network.Plenty of scholars home and abroad did a lot research on this problem, and some made good results. The popular methods are replication strategy and virtual node strategy. People prefer replication strategy. This paper first compares common load-balancing methods, then, according to the shortage, it put forward a dynamic replication strategy (DRS) based on the heterogeneous structured P2P networks. DRS could resolve the load-imbalance problem, it also take full advantage of the heterogeneity. Besides, DRS decides the number of replicas according to the node’s utility and the frequency of the accessing. DRS also proposes the periodically replication managing strategy which aimed to reducing the cost of maintaining the coherence of all the replicas.In order to analyze the performance of DRS, this paper utilizes p2psim to simulate the strategy on Chord. The results show that it could balance the load to a great extent, and the number of dropping packets is also reduced. The utility of node is balanced as well.

【关键词】 Chord结构化对等网异质性负载均衡p2psim
【Key words】 ChordStructured P2P networkheterogeneityload balancep2psim