

Design and Implementation of University Cadre Network Study Management System Based on .NET

【作者】 彭永刚

【导师】 孙华志;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 高校党员干部的思想政治素质的水平直接或间接地影响到学校各项事业的发展。近年来,各高校均采取各种有效的办法不断加强党员干部教育培训工作,但仍然存在着教育内容不够丰富、教育手段比较单一、师资力量有限、教学水平有待进一步提高、教育时效性不强、覆盖面小等问题。随着网络技术和多媒体技术的迅猛发展,网络化教育已成为现代信息技术教育的主流趋势。将网络培训引入干部教育培训中,既是干部教育培训适应现代化、信息化社会发展的要求,也是干部教育培训改革创新的需要。本课题采用微软公司的ASP.NET技术来构建高校干部网络学习平台。系统基于B/S模式,利用ASP.NET开发Web应用程序的优势,运用C#高级编程语言做前台开发,SQL Server 2000做后台数据库开发,采用软件工程的方法,所开发的系统具有较为完善的功能,达到了预期效果。本文以天津师范大学干部培训网络学院设计、开发为背景,从业务流程调查到系统的初步设计、详细设计、系统实施的整个过程,详细阐述了一个完整网络学习平台的开发过程。在设计和开发上,本文还结合ADO.NET技术,Web Service技术、SQL Server数据库开发和Java Script技术,对系统的开发原理、系统的功能特点、设计方案和实现方法进行了阐述。系统主要包含在线学习、学时统计、人员管理、档案管理等功能模块,满足了学校对处级以上干部网络培训工作的需要。目前该系统已经实现并在学校内试运行,且可在今后根据学校干部培训的工作需要,进一步拓展新的功能模块。实践证明,该系统的实施有效地提高了学校干部培训工作的工作效率。

【Abstract】 Political quality of college party member is directly or indirectly affect the development of colleges’ various work. In recent years, colleges almost use different efficient method to increase educational training to the party member, however, traditional method exists some faults such as insufficeint content, the single education method, the limit teaching training and the teaching level all need to be advanced, unstrong timelu education, the small cover land and so on. With the fast development of network and multimedia technique, network education has become prevalent in the morden information technique education. Introducing the network training to party member’s education, is not only the requires mordern and information society needs, but also the needs that the creative party member’s education requires.This project use Microsoft Company’s technique ASP.NET to construct the college party member education system, which is based on B/S, utilize the advance of ASP.NET to develop web application, use C# advanced programming language to design the frontground, SQL Server 2000 to be background database, use the software engineer method to complete that, so the developed system has the perfect function, and achive the good effect.This article takes the development and design of TianJin Normal University party member training college,.from the work flow research to general design of system、detail design of system and complement of the all course, illustrates the whole network platform’s development course. In the design and development, this article combine the ADO.NET technique、web service technique SQL Server database and Java Script technique, and describe the develop princple、function character、design solution and work method of the system.System mainly includes the model such as online study, study hours account, people management, archives management, all these satisfy the requires college need party member to study. Nowadays, this system has been completed and run in the college, and is timely update for work need. The practice illustrate that the application of system enhances the work efficity of college to train the party member.

【关键词】 干部培训网络学习ASP.NETB/S
【Key words】 Cadre TrainingNetwork StudyASP.NETB/S
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】261