

Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Compound Piezoelectric Cantilever Energy Harvester

【作者】 卢有为

【导师】 谢涛;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 如何向微电子产品无线供能是当前研究的一个热点问题。由于电池供电本身的缺陷和使用环境的限制,使人们更加热衷于研究无源供能技术。由压电材料制成的压电发电装置具有不发热、无电磁干扰、无污染,结构简单,易于加工制作和实现机构的微小化、集成化等优点,因而备受关注。近年来,将压电材料产生的电能用作驱动微功率电器电源的研究才刚刚开始,但已经展示出压电发电与能量存储技术的光明前景。在查阅大量文献的基础之上,本文针对复合型悬臂梁压电俘能器进行了理论和实验研究。为了达到初步调节俘能器振子振动频率特性的目的,本文分别设计了一套可实现长度调节的双晶悬臂梁压电振子以实现其固有频率的调节,并建立该压电振子固有频率的理论模型;设计了L型悬臂梁压电振子以调节其前两阶固有频率,并建立了其前两阶固有频率的理论模型;设计一个悬臂梁阵列以实现其在一定的频段内产生谐振或者近似谐振,并建立了其各阶固有频率的理论模型。在理论分析的基础之上,对三种类型的悬臂梁压电振子进行有限元仿真。结果表明有限元仿真分析结果与数值计算基本吻合。由模态分析得出了悬臂梁压电振子固有频率随长度变化的关系,L型悬臂梁压电振子的结构参数及多臂型悬臂梁的各阶弯振模态的固有频率,并在此基础上进行了有限元谐响应分析,得出了三种悬臂梁压电俘能器的输出电压与激振频率的关系。为了验证理论和有限元仿真分析结果的正确,本文制作三种类型的压电悬臂梁俘能器并建立了实验系统,分别采用PSV-400-m~2激光测振仪和HP4294A阻抗分析仪测量了各压电振子的振动模态和阻抗特性,测量结果与理论分析结果基本吻合。利用阻抗分析仪测量俘能器的集总等效参数并计算匹配阻抗,对各种压电俘能器进行了俘能实验研究,最后综合比较分析了各压电俘能器的频率调节性能和俘能能力。

【Abstract】 It is a hotspot currently that how to supply the energy to microelectronic products. For the limitation of environment and self defect of battery supplying system, it is necessary to investigate new passive energy supplying technology. For the reason that piezoelectric power generator made of piezoelectric material has the predominance that low hear emission, none magnetic disturbance, none pollution, simple structure, workability, microminiaturize and integration etc, it is now highly paid attention to the research of supplying power produced by piezoelectric material to activate micro power electric appliance just starts these years, but a great future of technology of piezoelectric power generator and energy storage has been shown.After consulting many literatures, this dissertation conducts theoretical and experimental study on compound piezoelectric cantilever energy harvester. Considering that cantilever’s resonant frequency could be changed by modifying its structure parameters, a length-adjusting device is created and the mathematical model of the resonant frequency is built. For the fact that L-shaped cantilever’s first two resonant frequencies could be tuned closer, an L-shaped piezoelectric cantilever is created and the mathematical model of the first two resonant frequencies is built. For the sake of creating various resonant frequencies in a wide band, an ensemble of cantilever beams is created and the mathematical model of the resonant frequencies is built.Based on theory analysis, finite element analysis and simulations are conducted. The analysis and simulation results are in accordance with the theoretical prediction. Finite element modal analysis shows the relationship between resonant frequency and length of beam of the length-adjusting piezoelectric cantilever, the relationship between the first two frequencies of L-shaped piezoelectric cantilever, and that among the 8 orders resonant frequencies of multiple beams type piezoelectric cantilever. Finite element harmonic analysis shows the relationship between the voltages output and exciting frequencies of all the three kinds of piezoelectric cantilevers.For the purpose of verifying the results of theoretical and finite element analysis results, the piezoelectric cantilever energy harvester experimental system is built up. The laser vibrometer and impedance analyzer test the bending modes and the equivalent parameters separately, and all the results are in accordance with the theoretical prediction. The matching impedances are calculated by the use of lumped equivalent parameters tested by impedance analyzer and validated in the power scavenging experiments. The frequencies modify capabilities and powers output are also observed and analyzed.
