

Design of Anemometer Based on Real-Time Cross-Correlation Theory

【作者】 陈攀

【导师】 徐殿国;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在风力发电场所的评估及风力发电的控制等场合,都需要测量风速风向。现在风速传感器种类很多,本文介绍了国内外风速风向传感器的发展现状,列举出几种风速风向传感器的原理和应用场合,分析了它们的优缺点,从而介绍了本文的课题:基于实时互相关原理的风速风向传感器研制。设计了恒流源供电的风速风向传感器电路、信号采集与处理电路和电压转换电路;通过单片机的外设模块实现数据的采集和处理;通过单片机的外设CAN控制器和收发器实现传感器和监控端的通信,实现风速风向信息的远程监控。本文采用高效实时互相关算法。相对于其它的算法,高效实时互相关算法可以实时的处理采集到的数据,得到互相关函数值。该算法大大的节省了存储空间,降低了硬件设计的复杂性,提高了计算效率。同时,本文还介绍了瞬时互相关法,利用这种方法可以让计算量得到了大幅度的提高。风速风向的计算采用直接法,这种方法不需要通过求出三个方向风速值再合成的方法求取风速风向,这样减小了计算风速的误差,同时也减小了运算量。实验结果表明,基于互相关原理的风速风向传感器可以实时准确的测得风速风向,对小于10m/s风速的测量有较高的测量精度。本文提出的基于互相关原理的风速风向传感器,可以同时测量三维空间的风速风向,不破坏风场,结构简单,价格低廉,实时高效,微风时测量精度高,在飞行器的试飞场所、风力发电站等地方有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 When assessing wind power sites and control of wind power, the measurement of wind velocity and direction is needed. There are many kinds of anemometer. It is introduced that the development situation of anemometer, listed several anemometers and their applications. Thus, the design of anemometer based on cross-correlation is introduced. The sensor circuit in constant-current mode, signal sampling and processing circuit and voltage converter circuit were designed. The sensor signals were sampled by A/D module in dsPIC30F4011, and transmitted to monitor to realize remote monitoring and control by CAN bus.On the realization of software, high-efficient real-time cross-correlation method was designed. Compared to other motheds, it can process signals on time by high efficient on-time cross-correlation. It improves the computational efficiency, needs relatively small memory requirements, and decreases complexity of circuit. At the same time, The instantaneous cross-correlation method is described. The use of this method makes calculation of the rate significantly improved. The direct method is used to get the wind velocity and direction. This method does not require to calculate the three wind velocities on three axises separately to get three-dimensional wind velocity and direction, and it also can improve the precision. It is proved that it can get wind velocity and direction using the method, and higher precision when wind velocity is less than 10m/s.The anemometer based on real-time cross-correlation theory can get wind volicity and direction in three-dimensional space, and it does not destroy wind field. It has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, high efficient, high-precision. So, it has broad application prospects in wind power site or aircraft field.

  • 【分类号】TP212.1
  • 【被引频次】1
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