
Ad Hoc网络能量感知路由协议的研究

Research on Energy Aware Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks

【作者】 杨天扬

【导师】 陈立甲;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 Ad Hoc网络是指由若干带有无线收发信机的节点构成的一个无中心的、多跳的、自组织的对等式通信网络,它可以不依赖已存在的网络基础设施而快速展开,自适应组网,各节点可以自由地进入和离开网络且不会导致整个网络陷入瘫痪。移动Ad Hoc网络的研究重点之一是路由协议。Ad Hoc网络中的各个节点在充当终端发送和接收信息的同时,还作为路由中继节点转发信息。由于移动Ad Hoc网络的特点,路由的选择会直接影响分组投递率,端到端时延,节点能量消耗等参数。在移动Ad Hoc网络中,多数终端节点都是采用有限电源模式,一旦能量耗尽就无法工作,进而导致整个网络无法正常运行。然而,在一些节点能量耗尽的时候,其它节点还有过多剩余能量,这就造成了Ad Hoc网络的能耗不公平性。因此,在路由选择过程中,如何均衡节点间的负载与能耗、改善网络的公平性,就成为了一个重要的问题。本文对Ad Hoc网络路由协议进行了深入研究,设计了一种基于能量感知的分级EALD(Energy-Aware and Level-Distribution)路由协议。该协议在传统AODV路由协议的基础上做出了两点改进:一是对路由发现过程的优化,通过设置延时函数,将节点与链路的能量信息引入了路由选择的度量(metric);二是对低能量节点的保护,在节点的剩余能量低于某一阈值时,使其仅能作为信息的发送端或接收端,而不会提供路由中继服务。本文使用NS2网络仿真工具对EALD路由协议进行了仿真,并与传统AODV路由协议进行了比较。仿真结果表明,EALD路由协议通过对路由发现过程的优化以及对低能量节点的保护,均衡了网络中的负载与能耗,延长了网络生存时间,减少了因为节点死亡而带来的网络拥塞。

【Abstract】 A mobile Ad Hoc network is a multi-hop, decentralized, self-configuring, peer-to-peer communication network that consists of several nodes with radio transceiver. It can be rapidly deployed and networking adaptively without relying on the pre-existing network infrastructure. The nodes in a mobile Ad Hoc network can dynamically join and leave the network without warning, and possibly without disruption to other nodes’ communication.One of the important research areas of MANET is routing protocol. While every node has a role of terminal to receive and send messages, it is also a relaying node to retransmit messages. Most terminal nodes have a model of finite energy. Once the resource exhausts, the terminal nodes can’t work normally and be the retransmission node. At the same time, other nodes have overmuch rest energy, which makes inequity of energy consumption in Ad Hoc network. So how to balance the load and energy consumption becomes an important question.In this thesis, energy-aware and level-distribution (EALD) dynamic routing protocol is introduced. The EALD routing protocol makes an improvement upon the traditional AODV routing protocol. In order to optimize the routing discovery, the EALD protocol adds nodes and links energy information into the routing discovery metric by setting delay function. On the other hand, when the remaining energy of one node is limited, the protection of this node will be carried out.In the NS2 simulation, we compared the performance with AODV in different environment. The results show that the EALD protocol balances the load and energy consumption, prolongs the network lifetime, and reduces congestion.
