

Study on Integrated Dry Purification of Flue Gas at High Temperature in a Dual-layer Granular Bed Filter

【作者】 涂开峰

【导师】 杨国华; 周江华;

【作者基本信息】 宁波大学 , 轮机工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 双层滤料颗粒层除尘技术作为一项创新技术已成功应用于铝熔炼炉的烟气除尘中,基于该新技术,本文通过模拟试验研究了双层滤料床烟气净化一体化的新工艺。实验系统由模拟烟气发生系统、吸附剂加料系统、温控系统、双层滤料床装置和烟气分析等组成,双层滤料床放置于管式炉中,通过调节管式炉温度,控制反应温度。主要研究内容和结论为:1.在模型试验台上进行了钙基、钠基吸附剂在双层滤料床中的脱硫试验,研究了温度、浓度、吸附剂加入量、CO2等因素对吸附剂脱硫的影响。结果表明:温度对吸附剂Ca(OH)2脱硫的影响显著,吸附剂Ca(OH)2的脱硫穿透时间随温度的升高而增加,400℃时,穿透时间为17分钟,700℃时,穿透时间则可达30分钟;且钙利用率也随温度的升高而增加,400℃时钙利用率为30%,600℃时钙利用率将近60%。吸附剂需要经过多次重复吸附才能使吸附剂达到饱和,400℃时,吸附剂Ca(OH)2需要重复吸附8次,吸附剂NaHCO3需要重复吸附4次。CO2对吸附剂Ca(OH)2脱硫的影响明显,温度范围在400~600℃,模拟气体中增加10% CO2后,其脱硫穿透时间明显减少,且随着温度的升高穿透时间减少量增加,在600℃时穿透时间减少量达20分钟。温度对吸附剂NaHCO3脱硫的影响显著,在300℃以下,工业食用小苏打和分析纯小苏打的脱硫穿透时间都在10分钟以下,当温度高于400℃时穿透时间变长,工业食用小苏打在400℃时穿透时间为25分钟,500℃时穿透时间达30分钟。2.在模型试验台上进行了钙基、钠基吸附剂在双层滤料床中的脱氯试验,研究了温度、CO2等因素对吸附剂脱氯的影响。结果表明:温度范围在300~500℃,吸附剂Ca(OH)2的脱氯穿透时间随着温度升高而变长,在500℃,20~30分钟内出口处HCl的平均浓度为150ppm,600℃时穿透时间变短,20~30分钟内出口处HCl的平均浓度为200ppm,所以500℃是该实验条件下的脱氯最佳温度。吸附剂NaHCO3的脱氯穿透时间随着温度升高增加,在500℃时,前30分钟出口处HCl的浓度都为零,可见较高的温度下对脱氯有利。3.双层滤料床烟气净化一体化新工艺可应用于垃圾焚烧炉烟气净化、中温烟气脱硫脱硝除尘一体化、高温烟气脱硫脱硝除尘一体化三种方案。该新工艺应用于垃圾焚烧炉烟气净化时,通过与半干法脱酸反应塔加布袋除尘器工艺比较,具有工艺简单、占地少、操作管理简便、投资省、运行成本低、可同时高效脱酸、除尘和除二恶英等优点。

【Abstract】 As a new technology, the dual-layered granular bed filter had been applied to remove dust from flue gas of aluminum smelting furnace in industry. Based on the new technology, this paper carried out experiments on integrated purification of flue gas in a dual-layer granular bed filter through. The experimental system consisted of flue gas simulation system, sorbent injection system, temperature control device, dual-layer granular bed filter reactor and gas analysis system. The reactor was put in a tube furnace in which temperature could be controlled. The main experiments and their results were as followings:1. Experimental research on desulphurization by calcium-based and sodium-based sorbent in a dual-layer granular bed filter was carried out to investigate the effects of such factors as temperature, SO2 concentration, lime dosage in bed, CO2 and so on. The results showed that temperature has considerable effect on desulphurization of calcium-based sorbent in the bed, and breakthrough time on desulfurization of Ca(OH)2 increased obviously with increasing of temperature, which was 30 minutes at 600℃, while at 400℃,only 17 minutes. The utilization efficiency of Ca also increased with increasing of temperature, which was 30% at 400℃, and near 60% at 600℃.Sorbent reached adsorption saturation by repeated adsorptions. The sorbent Ca(OH)2 needed 8 repeated adsorptions, and the NaHCO3 needed 4 repeated adsorptions at 400℃.CO2 had obviously effect on desulphurization of Ca(OH)2 at 400~600℃, and the breakthrough time of desulphurization obviously decreased, as added 10% CO2 was added in simulation gas.The decrease of breakthrough time reached 20 minutes at 600℃compared with that without CO2 in the simulating flue gas.Temperature had also considerable effect on desulphurization of NaHCO3. The breakthrough times of desulphurization for two kind difference of sorbent NaHCO3 were all less than 10 minutes below 300℃, but increased to 25 minutes at 400℃, and 30 minutes at 500℃.2. Experimental study on dechloriantion by calcium-based and sodium-based sorbent in a dual-layer granular bed filter was also carried out to investigate the effects of factors as temperature, CO2 and so on. The results showed that the breakthrough time on dechloriantion of Ca(OH)2 increased with increasing of temperature at 300~500℃. The average HCl concentration in outlet gas from the reactor in the period of 20~30 minutes was 150ppm at 500℃, 200ppm while at 600℃, so 500℃may be the proper dechloriantion temperature under the experiment conditions.Breakthrough time of dechloriantion of NaHCO3 increased with increasing of temperature. HCl concentration in gas at exit was 0 during first 30 minutes of reaction at 500℃. It was obvious that higher temperature is favorable for dechloriantion by NaHCO3.3. The new technology of integrated purificationof flue gas in a dual-layer granular bed filter can be applied to three cases: purification of flue gas from MSW incineration, integrated removal of SO2, NOX and dust at medium temperature of about 400℃, and at high temperature above 700℃. When was used to purify the flue gas from MSW incineration, compared with process of semi-dry deacidification and dust removal, the new technology had the adventages of the small place occupied, low investment and operating cost as well as simple management and maintenance. And the study also focused on the feasibility of the new process in high efficiencies for simultaneous removal of SO2, dioxin and dust.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 宁波大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期