

The Research in Policy of Finance That Promotes the Harmonious Development of Regional Economy in China

【作者】 宋博

【导师】 侯明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 财政学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 区域经济协调发展关系到一国资源的合理开发、经济增长的持续力、社会的稳定和经济的公平,因而被许多国家的中央政府所重视。造成我国区域经济发展不平衡的原因是复杂多样的,其中政府的财政措施对我国区域差异的变化有着十分突出的影响。因此,对导致我国区域经济发展失衡的财政性因素应有充分的认识。本文从财政的资源配置职能入手,根据蒂伯特模型与地方公共产品提供和财政分权理论,从政府干预角度寻求解决区域差异的财政措施。各地存在天然的经济差异,经济发展不平衡带来财政发展不平衡,从而导致公共服务水平不平衡,体现在道路交通设施、医疗卫生服务和教育发展等方面。究其地区发展不平衡的原因,包括多个方面,如非均衡的政府政策、区域性税收优惠战略、向城市倾斜的财政政策、国有企业改革、财政分权、公共服务投资回报率不同(主要是道路交通设施投资回报率和教育回报率不同)、劳动力流动和移民(如户籍限制、地方保护主义、不完善的社会保障体系和配套市场),种种因素共同导致地区经济的非均衡发展。根据我国的实际情况,笔者建议:(1)实行区域经济协调发展财政政策,完善均等化转移支付制度,促进西部开发,振兴东北老工业基地,增强中部地区的竞争力,加快民族地区发展等;(2)修正财政分权带来的负面影响,主要是修正地区间公共资源的外部性和建立有效的地区间再分配与风险分担机制;(3)促进公共服务的均等化,优化交通设施投资分配,缓解教育投资的地区差异,保证卫生保健资源的均衡分布;(4)解除移民限制,鼓励城乡人口流动,改善移民的交通和住房状况,积极的为移民提供社会化服务。

【Abstract】 The coordinated development of regional economy of a country related to the rational development of resources, the sustainability of economic growth, social stability and economic equity, and was much valued by the Central Government of the country. Caused by the imbalance of China’s regional economic development are complex and varied reasons, and one of the Government’s fiscal measures on the regional differences in changes in our country has a very prominent impact. Therefore, the cause of regional economic development of our country’s fiscal imbalance should have full understanding of the factors.In this paper, the allocation of resources from the finance function to start, according to the model with the local public Tiebout products and financial separation of powers theory, government intervention from the perspective of regional differences find a solution to the fiscal measures .Around the natural existence of economic disparities, economic development and bring about financial development is unbalanced, resulting in uneven levels of public services, embodied in the road transport facilities, medical and health services and education development.If we try to identify the causes of imbalance in regional development, including many aspects, such as non-balanced government policies, regional tax incentives strategy, tilted to the city’s financial policies and state-owned enterprise reform; fiscal decentralization; rate of return on investment of public services is different from the main road transport facilities and educational return on investment rate of return are different; labor mobility and migration, such as household registration restrictions, local protectionism, the imperfect social security system and supporting the market, these factors cause the common areas of non-balanced development of economy.According to the actual situation in my country, my recommendations: First, the implementation of regional economic coordinated development of fiscal policy, improve the equalization transfer payment system to promote the development of the western region, revitalize the northeast old industrial base, and enhance the competitiveness of the central region, to speed up development in minority areas; two to amend the fiscal decentralization has a negative impact on the main amendments are regions outside of public resources and the establishment of an effective inter-regional redistribution and risk-sharing mechanisms; three, to promote equalization of public services, and optimize the allocation of transport infrastructure investment to ease regional differences in investment in education, health care resources to ensure a balanced distribution; four, the lifting of immigration restrictions, to encourage the flow of population in urban and rural areas to improve the immigration status of the traffic and housing, positive for the provision of social services to immigrants.

  • 【分类号】F812.0
  • 【被引频次】2
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