

The Research of Finance and Tax Policy to Promote the Transformation of Growth Mode of Urban Economy

【作者】 焦凯

【导师】 房保安;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “十一五”规划强调走自主创新之路,把转变经济增长方式作为实现“十一五”规划发展目标的战略重点,是针对当前中国经济发展的现实做出的重要战略部署。随着中国城市化进程的加快,中国经济的重心越来越向城市集中,城市经济占国民经济的比重不断提高,逐渐成为国民经济的主体,从而成为当代中国转变经济增长方式的主体。从本质上看,城市经济增长方式转变的难点和问题,与全国经济增长方式转变是一致的,但是,城市经济增长方式转变问题又存在其自身的特点,例如城市集聚人口众多,生态环境和交通承载能力有限,企业众多及技术水平和创新能力参差不齐,产业结构和资源配置不合理等等。此外,严峻的能源问题成为制约其发展的“瓶颈”。解决当前中国城市经济增长中存在的问题,就必须认真分析其经济增长的方式和实现条件或机制,根据实际情况选择切合实际的城市经济增长之路。鉴于此,笔者选择了“促进城市经济增长方式转变的财政税收政策研究”这一课题,从理论和现实两方面,来论证城市经济增长方式转变的原因和必要性与运用财政税收政策的可行性。总之,本文从城市经济快速发展所面临的紧迫问题出发,以城市经济可持续、集约型增长方式为总体目标,探讨了我国运用经济手段主要是财税政策手段,推动城市经济持久性增长、促进集约型发展的理论基础,系统探索和设计了相关的财政税收政策体系,并制定了保障财税政策工具顺利实施、以取得良好效果的配套措施。在结构安排上,本文共分五个部分论。第一部分:绪论。首先引入城市经济经济增长方式转变问题,其次介绍了本文的主要研究背景、目的和结构及研究方法;第二部分:促进城市经济增长方式转变的理论基础。第三部分:分析了城市经济增长方式转变与财政税收关系。第四部分:城市经济增长方式转变的目标趋向和现存问题。明确了我国城市经济增长目标趋向,详细剖析了当前我国城市经济增长面临的问题;第五部分:对促进城市经济增长方式转变的财政税收政策的探析。

【Abstract】 "The draft outline of the Eleventh Five-year Plan for the national economy and social development" points out:During the period of the Eleventh Five-year Plan, we must take the adjustment of economic pattern and the transition of the mode of economic growth as an important task which plays a very important part of the overall situation. To be lifted out of the extensive pattern, accomplish the transition of the mode of urban economic growth. And establish a new urban economic system adapted to the situation of China, we have to improve the socialist market economic system, transform the administrative functions. What’s more, we need research the new policies of the finance and tax to promote the transformation of growth mode of urban economy. At the same time, we have to transform the idea of development, blaze new trails in developing pattern, develop recycle economy, adjust the mode of economy, optimize the industrial structure, and adhere to put emphasis on people and technology, depend on the progress of technology, accomplish the self-control of citis and take a new road to industrialization.Essentially, the article is in five parts:Part One introduces the problems.Part Two analyzes in detail the basic theory of promoting the transformation of growth mode of urban economy.Part Three states the relation of the transformation of growth mode of urban economy and the finance and tax policy.Part Four states the develop target of urban economy and problems of growth mode of urban economy.Part Five puts forward measures to accomplish the finance and tax policy to advance the sustainable and intensive growth of urban economy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F299.2;F812.0
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】303