

The Study of Refugee in KMT Area of Hebei Province 1945-1949

【作者】 李领波

【导师】 刘敬忠;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 抗日战争胜利之后,国共两党经过了短暂的和平,随后为了中国的前途和命运进行了三年的决战。国统区的难民就是在这样的背景下出现的。出于躲避战争和政治斗争的原因,许多地主、富农等有产阶级陆续逃亡国统区沦为难民。这些难民中,以地主、富农以及城市资产阶级工商业者为主,还有国民党政府官员、士绅和党、政、军、宪等的家属以及学生、惯匪、汉奸等,也有少数的贫苦民众。准确的说,这些人是“政治难民”。他们从解放区逃入国统区,寻求国民党政权的庇护。为了反共的需要,国民党政府对他们进行救济、训练,然后通过建立“难民还乡团”、“自救先锋队”等反共武装,对解放区发动军事进攻,进行反攻倒算。但是,这些乌七八糟的人组成的军事武装无疑是乌合之众,扰民有余,反共不足。随着河北省的解放,国民党势力败退台湾,这些难民也作鸟兽散。

【Abstract】 When Chinese people won the War of Resistance against Japan, there was a brief period of peace between KMT and CPC, and then had three years of final battle for the future and destiny of China. The displaced person who belong to the place which dominated by KMT appeared with this background. In order to evade the battle and political struggle, many landlords、kulak、and other proprietary classes escaped to the place dominated by KMT and became displaced person. Most of them were bourgeois and businessmen, and other were governors of KMT、esquires、officer’s families、students、hardened bandits、traitor and so on, besides these person, there were few poor plebs. Exactly, these people were political refugee. They escaped from the liberated area to area dominated by KMT and searched for the shelter of government. With the need of anti-communism, the government of KMT gave them almsgiving、drilling and then recognized the Team of Refugee Home Back、Self-saving Vanguard and some other forms of anti-communism arm. Through this the KMT started to attach the liberated area. But these armed people who were recognized by dragons and fishes jumbled together were ensured rabble, they just disturbed populaces but no battle effectiveness. With the liberation of Hebei province, the KMT escaped to Taiwan and the refugee also melted away.

【关键词】 难民政治难民国统区训练使用
【Key words】 refugeepolitical refugeearea dominated by KMTdrillinguse
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期