

The Analysis of Real Estate Names in TianJin from Linguistics and Culture

【作者】 武晶晶

【导师】 郭伏良;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 语言是文化的载体,文化的形成、变异、发展及其特性,一定会不同程度地在语言上反映出来,而这种反映最明显地表现在词汇上。楼盘作为一种特殊的商品,其名称在市场竞争中具有至关重要的作用,因此语言在楼盘的命名过程中占有极其重要的地位。当今随着房地产市场的日益繁荣,出现了丰富多彩的楼盘名称。这些名称的取得,意趣横生,是独具匠心的语言艺术创造活动,与我们的生活息息相关,又是商味浓郁的语言运用现象。透过这些语词,我们不仅看到语言社会的极大丰富,领略到中华民族独特的审美情趣,也通过楼盘文化极大地推动了语言社会的发展。天津作为一个中西文化交融的古老城市,其楼盘名称必然会沾染两种文化的精髓,显示出开放、包容、多元的特征。本文以从搜房网上搜集到的天津近十年来出现的1052个楼盘名称作为研究对象,试图从语言和文化两个角度分析其命名的共同规律和细小差异,着重考察楼盘名称的语音、通名和专名的界定情况和语义内涵、选字用词、结构关系以及其反映出来的文化特质,力图对天津楼盘名称进行更为细致和深入的分析,希望能为以后的楼盘命名提供一些借鉴。

【Abstract】 The language is the cultural carrier, cultural formation、cultural variation、the cultural development and the cultural characteristic, which will certainly reflect through the language in various degree,but this kind of reflection will obviously display through the vocabulary. The building is one kind of special commodity, its name has the very important function in the market competition, therefore the language that is in the real estate naming process is the great important factor. Nowadays with estate economy development, the market breeds varied and colorful real estate names.These name’s acquisition is full of humor and wit.and it is the language art creation activity having great originality that closely linked with ours life, also is language utilization phenomenon that full of business taste rich. By these words, we not only see abundant language society, appreciate the Chinese nation unique esthetic sentiment, but also promoted the language society culture development through the estate culture.Tianjin, as an ancient cities blend of Chinese and Western culture, the name of its real estate is bound to contain of the essence of two cultures, showing that an open, inclusive and pluralistic characteristics. In this paper, we make the 1052 real estate names appear from the network in Tannin during the past 10years for an object of study, try to analysize the common law of its name and trivial difference from both language and culture,focused on the pronunciation、the boundary and connotation of the universal name and special name、structure relations and the cultural characteristics reflect from the real estate names,attempt to make the analysis for real estate names in Tianjin more detailed and in-depth, hoping to provide some reference for future real estate names.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】H13
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】295