

The Spread Function Study of Column Posters Used at the Colleges and Universities’ Media Ecology

【作者】 徐语曈

【导师】 王玉蓉;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 传播学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 海报栏是高校传统校园媒体之一,由多块木质板组成。高校海报栏既是校园公共基础设施,又是承载信息的媒介实体。在媒介环境中,社会系统.媒介群落和受众组成了媒介环境三个互动系统,政治经济因子.文化因子.技术因子构成了校园媒体外生态环境,同时校园媒体也受到了高校内部环境的影响和制约,本文以河北大学海报栏为个案研究,以媒介环境为理论背景,着重分析了校园媒体的生态环境及河北大学海报栏所处媒介环境的真实状态,通过对河北大学海报栏信息内容的跟踪,结合问卷调查数据统计分析,得到了海报栏信息传播的一般状况,明确了海报栏传播功能和角色定位,深度访谈进一步证实了海报栏的传播价值之所在,在校园媒介群落的比较分析中突出了海报栏特殊的传播优势。本文按照“是什么——传播了什么——有什么效果——存在什么问题——怎样解决问题”的思路,从高校海报栏的媒介性状入手把全文分为五部分,分别是:概念界定一一传播内容分析——传播功能与价值分析——问题分析——对策分析,笔者欲借此次毕业论文的机会对高校海报栏传播功能做一些有益探讨,试图揭示其发布信息和监管模式中存在的问题,为高校海报栏如何更好的在构建校园信息环境中发挥作用提供一些建设性意见。

【Abstract】 Column posters is one of the traditional campus media in colleges and universities, through the many wood-based panels block the physical media form of implementation on public information, commodity exchanges, Living messaging, personal information, such as interactive activities. Column is not only one of the Campus public infrastructure, but also carries information from the media entities. In the media environment, social systems. media community and audience composed of three interactive media environment systems, political and economic factors.cultural factors. technical factors have formed outside ecological environment of the campus media. campus media meanwhile has been impacted by the internal environment of colleges and universities ,his article bring Hebei University posters column for case ,use the Media Ecology for the theoretical background, focus on an analysis of the ecological environment of the campus media to make a conclusion of the true state of Hebei University of posters column ,tracking information content, combined with the questionnaire data of quantitative analysis have made the general situation, defined the role of poster columns and dissemination capabilities, depth of interview further proved that the dissemination of posters column value lies in,the campus media community comparative analysis of the posters highlighted the spread of the special advantages of a column.In this paper, in accordance with the "say what-the dissemination of what-what effect-what problem exist-how to solve the problem" line of thinking, from college posters traits start with the media column put the full text is divided into five parts, which are analysis, the author wishes to the opportunity to borrow the dissertation column dissemination of posters to colleges and universities to do some useful features to explore, trying to reveal the release of information and the mode of regulation of existing problems, bar posters for colleges and universities how to better build a campus in the information environment play a role in the provision of some building observations.:Concepts defined-the dissemination of content analysis-the dissemination of function and value analysis-problem analysis-Analysis

【关键词】 海报栏媒介环境传播功能校园媒体
【Key words】 Posters columnmedia environmentfunctioncampus media
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【下载频次】105