

The Economic Evaluation Research Based on Combined Weight and Improved TOPSIS

【作者】 王钰娟

【导师】 刘艳萍;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 会计学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 科学发展观是坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观。建立贯彻落实科学发展观的经济评价体系有利于共建和谐社会,保持经济平稳较快发展,促进经济社会的可持续发展。目前,我国的经济评价指标体系不完善、评价方法单一、缺乏一套有效的评价机制等已经成为现阶段我国经济评价体系存在的主要问题。本论文共分四章,第一章介绍本文的研究背景、研究内容及研究框架;第二章建立了区县经济评价指标体系。第三章是基于科学发展观的经济评价模型研究,第四章分别采用中国10个副省级城市和大连10个区县的截面数据进行实证研究。论文的主要研究工作如下:(1)建立了基于组合赋权的经济评价模型。以课题组建立的指标体系为依据,运用主观赋权的三角模糊法和客观赋权的熵值法组合确定指标权重,建立了基于组合赋权的经济评价模型,并以10个副省级城市的截面数据进行实证分析。(2)建立了基于改进TOPSIS的经济评价模型。根据“坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观”的科学发展内涵,通过指标的海选和筛选构建了适合于区县的经济评价指标体系。通过消除TOPSIS的逆序现象和客观确定指标权重的方法,建立了基于改进TOPSIS的经济评价模型,并进行了10个区县的截面数据的实证分析。本文的主要特色与创新:(1)通过将理想解和负理想解设为固定值,使样本增减前后TOPSIS评价对象的总体评价结果的优劣关系不变,解决了TOPSIS评价样本的可加性和可减性问题。现有研究的TOPSIS在评价对象的个数增减时,会产生增减前后的逆序问题,产生逻辑混乱。本研究通过将理想解和负理想解设为固定值,使得样本增减时评价对象的优劣关系不变,改变了TOPSIS因理想解和负理想解随样本值变化而产生的逆序问题,解决了TOPSIS评价对象个数的可加性和可减性问题。(2)通过组合赋权确定指标综合权重,这既反映了主观赋权中专家对评价指标的知识和经验,又包含了客观赋权对实际数据的真实反映。

【Abstract】 Scientific development concept is to adhere to a people-centered, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. The establishment of implementing the scientific concept of development of the economic evaluation system is conducive to build a harmonious society, to maintain stable and rapid economic development, and promote economic and social sustainable development. At present, Evaluation index system imperfect, a single evaluation method, and the lack of an effective evaluation mechanism are the key problems in economic evaluation system.The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the research background, research content and research framework. The second chapter is the establishment of economic evaluation index system for districts. The third chapter is the economic assessment model based on scientific concept of development. The fourth chapter uses 10 sub-provincial cities and 10 districts’ data for empirical research.The main achievements of the thesis are as follows.(1) This paper establishes an economic assessment model based on fuzzy entropy. Through determining the optimal weights of indicators by combining entropy method and triangle fuzzy method optimally, this paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation model of economy and analyzes the development of China’s 10 sub-provincial cities.(2) This paper establishes an economic assessment model based on improved TOPSIS. According to the connotation of insisting on scientific concept of development, this paper constructs the index system for districts. By eliminating the reverse phenomenon of TOPSIS and objective determining the index weight, this paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation model of economy based on improved TOPSIS and analyzes the development of 10 districts.The contribution characteristics lie on two aspects.First, by setting the ideal and negative ideal solution to a fixed value, it makes the evaluation not change as the sample to increase or decrease, solves the additive and reductive problem. When the number of objects increases or decreases, TOPSIS will produce the reverse problem, leading the logical confusion. This paper, by setting the ideal and negative ideal solution to a fixed value, makes the evaluation not change as the sample to increase or decrease, avoids the reverse problem arising from the changing of ideal and negative ideal solution.Second, through combination weighting, it not only retains the entropy method which reflects the actual situation and speculate the future of factors, but also retains the subjective empowering, such as triangle fuzzy method, which embodies the importance of experts’ knowledge and experience.
