

Research and Realization of Quality Control Pattern for DHI Gear Reducer Plant

【作者】 毕启亮

【导师】 高媛;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题来源于大重集团减速机厂风电产品全生命周期质量监控与管理的研发。结合企业自身的生产特点,遵循全面质量管理理论、统计过程控制等先进的思想,对企业的质量管理活动深入调研,确定了产品生命周期质量信息流。全面分析企业质量生产相关数据的采集、反馈、汇总统计以及决策信息的分析处理等方面的问题后,确定了系统要实现的功能目标。进而提出了基于信息闭环反馈控制管理模式的信息中枢系统框架模型,相应设计并开发了企业实际迫切需求的质量管理信息系统。此系统分为三大子系统:信息管理数字化、执行管理标准化和反馈管理可视化。信息管理数字化子系统是在对增速器生产技术标准深入分析的基础上,构建了面向企业生产过程中所有质量活动的质量BOM体系。该体系以产品结构和配置为引导,作为产品质量数据流合理有效的载体和组织形式,最大程度地解决了质量数据的分散性问题,并在此基础上,提出了故障代码模型;执行管理标准化子系统是把工艺信息、加工信息和标准信息综合起来为生产过程监控服务,将控制图分为分析用和控制用两个阶段,通过与直方图和因果图的有效结合,实现系统自动判定当前工序加工能力,并予于调整;反馈管理可视化实现了实时接收各阶段中的分析结果数据,按照产品、零件和工序的细化顺序和深度,把各个监控点上零散的质量特征信息与所在合同、产品以及相关各种信息挂钩,使管理层可以从全局角度监控产品质量,同时能够根据企业各级相关部门的信息需求对反馈数据进行汇总统计分析,形成有用的质量信息,直观地显示给企业各级负责人进行决策,从而实现质量信息流的闭环反馈控制。在系统的软件设计过程中,采用面向对象的程序设计语言Visual Studio 2008和企业级关系数据库SQL Server 2000作为系统的开发平台和数据库平台。最后采用理论与实践相结合的研究方法,阐述了系统的实施应用过程。系统在企业初步实现了质量生产过程的数据集成、信息分析和决策支持,证明了本文工作的有效性和实用性。

【Abstract】 This paper is derived from the research and development of life-cycle quality control and management on the wind power products for DHI Gear Reducer. With its own production features, made an in-depth research on the quality management of the company follows ideas such as the theory of TQM, Statistical Process Control and so on, product’s life-cycle quality information flow is ascertained. So the function aim of system is according to the study of the collection, feedback, statistic and analysis of data and the consideration of the characteristics during the process of the formation of product’s quality. The frame model of information center based on the closed-loop feedback control management mode is brought forward then and the information system of quality management is developed and implemented.The system is divided into three subsystems: digital-information management, standard-execution management and visual-feedback management. Upon thorough in-depth analysis of the technique standards of gearbox production, digital-information management subsystems respectively build quality BOM facing all quality activities during the process production. The quality BOM is product structure and configuration oriented and maximally solves the dispersion problem of quality data, which is a reasonable and effective carrier and organization of product quality data flow. And on this basis, the fault code model is proposed. Standard-execution management subsystems integrate craft information, manufacturing process information and standard information for service process monitoring. And the control charts are divided into two stages as analyze-control chart and control-control chart. With the effective integration of histogram and causality diagrams the processing capacity of the current process could be determined by this system automatically on which the adjustment could be done; Visual-feedback management receives the analysis results from all stages of the control initiatively. According to the order and depth of the products, parts and process, the scattered quality characteristics information from all control points are linked to the contract, products and related information. By this way, all perspective supervising and control to product’s quality are provided to leaders. Meanwhile, according to the requirements from the relevant departments of the different ranks in enterprise, the subsystem feedbacks and analyses these data to form useful as well as intuitive management information to support managers’ decision. Therefore the quality information flow’s close-loop feedback control is realized. The system is developed using Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 platforms.In the end the author illustrates the implementation of the system, which realizes data collection, information analysis and decision support during the process of producing quality. The practice of software shows that the approaches in this dissertation are effective and practicable.
