

Development of Piezoelectric Six-axis Force Sensor on Axis with Four-pivot

【作者】 李寒光

【导师】 张军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 巨型重载操作装备水平体现了一个国家的制造能力和制造水平,对国民经济和国防安全起到重要保障作用。如何保证极端作业条件下操作装备在整个工作空间中的操作能力和操作速度,是重载操作装备设计所面临的技术挑战。重载操作装备工作过程中,六维力测量以及实时反馈是实现装备协调操作控制、力顺应控制的基础,也是规划和调整锻造工艺的重要依据。为实现反馈控制,需要进行六维大力测量。而六维力测量技术的难点是如何解决大承载能力和高灵敏度之间的矛盾。本文在国家973课题(2006CB705406)的资助下,从工程实际出发,运用晶体物理学、电介质物理学、压电学、各向异性材料力学、电磁学等交叉学科的理论成果,根据使用要求,对六维力传感器结构中的关键尺寸和动态特性进行了设计和分析。本文设计了一种并联结构的六维力传感器,同时设计了一种新型六维力传感器测量轴上六维力的专用夹持装置。具体工作如下:提出了一种相对合理的力敏元件空间布局形式,对其建立数学模型并进行解耦计算;通过对压电石英纵向效应和剪切效应的分析,确定力敏元件的组合方式,一组xy晶组和两组yx单元晶组;并通过对力敏元件多支点空间布局的研究和力学模型分析,确定了四支点模型,并设计了相应六维力传感器。设计了一种新型的将轴和压电式六维力传感器刚性连接在一起的夹持装置,通过对夹持装置进行ANSYS分析,确定了影响夹持性能的主要尺寸参数。同时,设计了轴上压电式六维大力传感器的标定方案,并进行了静态和动态标定实验。实验结果表明:该压电式六维力传感器具有良好的静态性能和动态性能,其非线性度误差在0.710%以内,重复性误差在0.532%以内,向间干扰在4.28%以内,滞后误差在4.552%以内。因此,该空间布局结构的压电式六维力传感器各项技术指标全面达到CIRP--STCC规定的动态型测力仪标准。

【Abstract】 The development degree of giant heavy-load manufacturing equipment stands for the national manufacturing ability and the manufacturing level, which is important for the national economy and national defense security. It is a technical challenge for the design of heavy-load manufacturing equipment that how to ensure the operational capability in the whole work space and speed capability of equipment working under extreme operating conditions. In the working process of heavy-load operation equipment, the six-axis force measurement and real-time feedback are not only the basis of achieving the coordination of operational control and force-response control, but also important for the planning and adjusting in forging process. In order to achieve feedback control, the measurement of six-axis is needed. The technology difficulty is how to solve the contradiction between large carrying capacity and high sensitivity force measurement.This project is funded by 973 Project of China (No.2006CB705406). From the application aspect of engineering, interdisciplinary knowledge, such as Physics of Crystals, Physics of Dielectrics, Piezoelectricity, Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Body, Electromagnetics is utilized in the investigation on design and manufacture. On the basis of theory analysis, the key dimensions and dynamic characteristic of the six-axis force sensor are designed and analyzed according to its specialty and applied demandIn this paper, a six-axis force sensor is designed with structure of parallel mechanism. At the same time, a new-style special holding device is designed for the six-axis force sensor. The specific work is as follows.A relatively rational spatial layout of the form of force-sensitive element is proposed, and its mathematical model is built and solved. Through analyzing longitudinal and shearing piezoelectric effect of quartz crystal, the combination of force-sensing element is identified, that is two yx crystal groups and one xy crystal group. A four-pivot model is determined through the research which investigates the spatial layout of multi-pivot force sensitive components and analyzes the mechanical models. The corresponding six-axis force sensor is designed and fabricated.A new-type holding device used to connect the axis and the six-axis piezoelectric quartz force sensor rigidly is designed. The model is analyzed by ANSYS software, and then the main parameters are determined. As the same time, the special calibration scheme is designed, and the static and dynamic calibration experiments are carried out.The experimental results show that the six-axis piezoelectric force sensor has good quality and good dynamic performance. The non-linearity error is less than 0.710%, repeatability error is less than 0.532%, the interference is within 4.28% and the hysteresis error is less than 4.552%.Therefore, the indexes of the six-axis piezoelectric quartz force sensor reach to the standards of CIRP - STCC on dynamic dynamometer completely.
