

Research on High-resolution Phase-only Liquid Spatial Light Modulator

【作者】 孙庆华

【导师】 胡家升;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 测试计量技术与仪器, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 液晶空间光调制器在实时光学信息处理、光计算和光学神经网络等系统中作为基本的构造单元或关键的主动器件,在光学相关、光互连、数字图像加密、数字全息、激光波前整形等领域有着广泛的应用。随着全息存储、全息显示等光信息技术的不断发展,为提高系统的信息处理能力,对纯相位液晶空间光调制器的分辨率提出了较高的要求。本文以此为出发点,从以下几个方面进行了研究:简单介绍了液晶空间光调制器的发展及研究现状,从琼斯矩阵理论,液晶电光特性及薄膜场效应晶体管扭曲向列型液晶屏结构及寻址特点等方面分析了电寻址液晶空间光调制器实现振幅及相位调制的基本原理。根据所选用的高分辨率液晶屏的驱动结构和电光调制特性,在实验室原来设计的SVGA液晶空间光调制器基础上,保留其单片机控制模块和视频信号处理模块,重新设计视频信号驱动电路和时钟发生电路,同时调整寄存器参数设置,以适合高分辨率液晶屏的驱动条件。运用马赫曾德干涉仪对设计完成的高分辨率液晶空间光调制器进行相位调制特性和幅度调制特性测量。首先介绍测量光路和通过干涉图进行相位测量的方法,然后通过调整偏振片的取向,找出最大相位调制状态,在这种状态下对强度调制量进行测试,看是否满足纯相位调制的要求,对所测数据处理,绘制出调制器的相位和强度调制特性曲线。将所设计的高分辨空间光调制器作为相移器件用于数字全息实验,用相移法记录物体的率全息图并通过计算机重构,并得到了较好的结果,表明其在全息等光信息处理领域的应用价值。

【Abstract】 As the basic blocks and the active components in real-time optical information processing, optical computing and optical neural network system, liquid crystal spatial light modulator has wide application in the optical correlation, optical interconnection, digital image encryption, digital holography, laser wave-front shaping. As holographic optical information technology continues to evolve, in order to improve the system’s information processing ability, phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modulator resolution put forward a higher demand. The main points of this thesis are as follows:A brief introduction of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator development is given. Based on the Jones matrix theory, liquid crystal electro-optical properties and thin-film field effect transistor liquid crystal display, amplitude and phase modulation of liquid crystal spatial light modulator are analyzed.According to the drive structure and electro-optical modulation characteristics of the high-resolution LCD screen, based on the original SVGA liquid crystal spatial light modulator designed by our laboratory, retaining the SCM control module and video signal processing module, re-designing the circuit of video signal and clock signal, adjusting the register parameter settings to suit the driving conditions for high-resolution LCD screen.Phase modulation and amplitude modulation characteristics measurements are completed by the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. First, introducing the optical path and measurement method, and then by adjusting the polarizer orientation, to find the largest state of phase modulation, in this state, intensity modulation is tested to see if it met the requirements of phase-only modulation. Processing data measured, drawing out the phase and intensity modulation curves of phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modulator.Spatial light modulator is used in the digital holographic experiment as phase-shift device, then the high-resolution hologram picture recorded is reconstructed by computer and a clear picture of the object is gained. The result suggests that the high-resolution phase-only liquid spatial light modulator has wide value in optical information processing system.
