

Assessment of Pollution Disaster Risk in Near-shore Coastal Waters Based on Catastrophe Theory

【作者】 王文俊

【导师】 张树深;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,近岸海域环境污染成为人类急需解决的一个大问题。本文基于突变理论的多准则评价方法,提出了包括水体富营养化、重金属污染和有机污染三类污染灾害的近岸海域环境污染灾害评价模型。构建了包括水化学、水物理、水生物、表层沉积物及水体中的重金属和有机污染物7个中间层指标,20个底层指标的评价指标体系。利用该模型对大连湾2001和2006年的环境灾害性风险进行了评价。评价结果表明,2001年大连湾近岸海域环境灾害性总体评价指标低于三类水质标准,具备发生水体富营养化灾害和难降解有机物污染灾害的风险;2006年,大连湾近岸海域灾害性总体评价指标达到二类水质标准,但是仍然具备发生水体富营养化灾害的风险。上述结果与历史资料相一致。结合营口近岸海域实际情况,选取水体富营养化灾害性评价指标、难降解有机污染物灾害性评价指标、重金属污染物灾害性三个评价指标。评价了1998年至2007年营口近岸海域海区的环境灾害性风险。评价结果显示为,2004年以前,营口海域均有发生水体富营养化灾害的风险,局部海域有发生难降解有机物灾害的风险,发生重金属灾害的可能性极小,2005年以后,营口近岸海域发生各类环境灾害的风险都有所降低,但是与其他类型灾害相比,水体富营养化灾害仍然是营口海域环境的潜在风险。上述结论与历史资料相符合。最后,论文结合营口近岸海域环境灾害性风险的评价结果,根据生态工业和循环经济等原理,提出了营口地区的产业布局调整的思路,及管理对策。

【Abstract】 Recently, the environment pollution in the coastal waters is an emergent problem of significant importance.This paper combined multi-criteria evaluation method based on catastrophe theory to set up a set of a model for the assessment of environmental disasters in near-shore areas. An evaluation system of seven mesosphere indicators and twenty underlying indicators are set up, including aqua chemistry, aqua physics, aqua biology surface sediments, heavy metals in the water and organics pollution.Risk on environmental disasters in offshore area of Dalian Bay during year 2001 and year 2006 were evaluated using assessment of a model of pollution disaster in near-shore coastal waters. The result was that, in 2001, the overall environmental disaster indicators in the local Dalian Bay coastal waters was not qualified as Level 3 sea water quality standard, meaning there existed risks of eutrophication disaster and organic pollutants disaster; in 2006, the overall environmental disaster indicators in the local Dalian Bay coastal waters was qualified as Level 2 sea water quality standard but there still existed the risk of eutrophication disaster. Our result is coincident with the history record.Considering the actual situation in the nearshore sea areas in Yingkou, China, eutrophication disaster indicators, organic pollutants disaster indicators and heavy metals disaster indicators were chosen accordingly to evaluate risks on environmental disasters in different near-shore areas in Yingkou during 1998 to 2007. The results showed that before year 2004, eutrophication disaster could have happened anywhere in Yingkou, organic pollutants disaster in part of the sea, and nearly no chance for heavy metals disaster; after year 2005, the risks of all three to happen were lowered, however, compared to other types of disasters, eutrophication disaster was still the main threat in Yingkou. To conclude, the above conclusions are directly related to the historical distribution and change of industrial structure in Yingkou. Here, again, the results were consistent with history record.In the end, based on the results of risk on environmental disasters in near-shore areas in Yingkou and the principles of eco-industrial and cyclic economy and so on, ideas for regulating and management strategies industrial distribution of the companies in the coast of Yingkou are brought up.
