

【作者】 邓义平

【导师】 许伦辉;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对现有交通信息显示终端设备存在显示内容单一、不能正确合理引导交通流等问题,研究并设计出了一种能根据路网信息、环境因素及交通管理调度需要而实时诱导交通流的可变交通信息显示系统,并且在节能方面提出双电源供电方案以弥补在交通信息显示方面太阳能应用的空缺。作者在全面阅读和理解国内外交通信息显示及太阳能光伏应用的基础上,研究了实施交通诱导系统的技术和LED显示屏系统构成及驱动原理,分析比较了各种太阳能蓄电池充放电管理和各种控制技术的优缺点,并且以赣州市为例介绍了如何对太阳能应用进行系统配置和计算。接着重点介绍了本系统终端设备的硬件电路及各功能部分的软件设计,下位机终端设备选择常用51系列AT89C52单片机作为主控器,着重分析设计了各部分硬件电路,包括:实时时钟芯片接口电路、数字温度传感器接口电路、I/O口扩展芯片接口电路、显示屏扫描系统电路、外部数据存储器扩展芯片接口电路、串行通信接口电路、系统电源电路、电压采样电路、蓄电池充放电控制电路,并给出了实际应用电路图,完成了整个系统硬件电路的功能设计;在对蓄电池充电控制中选择了PWM充电控制技术。接着针对上位机开发了一个监控程序,实现了如下功能:实时监测太阳能电池电压、电流以及蓄电池电压、电流和温度;按需求下传交通标志图或交通标语。最后对存在的一些主要问题进行了分析和讨论,并给出了相应的解决方案。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the existing traffic information display terminals device show the existence of a single content and can not be correct and reasonable guide traffic flow and other issues, research and design a Variable traffic information display systems that based on road network information, environmental and traffic management needs of scheduling real-time traffic flow can be induced, and energy-saving aspects of dual-power program to make up for traffic information display in the application of solar energy vacancy.On the basis of a comprehensive reading and understanding of domestic and international traffic information display and photovoltaic applications , the author of this paper study on the implementation of traffic guidance system technology and LED display system constitutes and principle-driven, compare and analysis of various solar battery charging and discharging management and kinds of control technology advantages and disadvantages, and in Ganzhou City, introduced as an example of how the solar system configuration and application of computing. Then focuses on the system’s hardware device and the circuit features some of the software design, under-machine terminal equipment used to choose 51 AT89C52 single chip as a master, focuses on the design of the hardware part of the circuit, including: Real-time clock chip interface circuits, digital temperature sensor interface circuit, I / O port expansion chip interface circuits, display circuit scanning system, expansion of external data memory chip interface circuits, serial communications interface circuits, power supply circuit system, the sampling circuit voltage, battery Charge and discharge control circuit, and gives the practical application of the circuit diagram, The completion of the entire system’s hardware design features; on the battery charge control to select a charge PWM control technology. Then PC for the development of a monitoring program to achieve the following features: real-time monitoring of solar battery voltage, current, as well as battery voltage, current and temperature; according to the needs of downstream traffic signs or traffic map slogans.Finally, there are some of the main issues discussed and analyzed, and given the appropriate solution.

  • 【分类号】TP273;TN873
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】182
  • 攻读期成果