

Research on the Responsibility of Stars Advertisement Spokesman

【作者】 于运杰

【导师】 孙昌兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 三鹿婴幼儿奶粉事件使明星广告代言人的责任备受国人关注,查阅近两年相关案例,却发现虽偶有消费者起诉明星广告代言人,但终几乎没有明星被追究法律责任,究其原因,在于我国一直未将广告代言人纳入法律规制的范畴。但令人欣慰的是,新修订的《食品安全法》已经改变了这一现状,明确规定明星等代言人代言虚假广告给消费者权益造成损害的,要与商品生产经营者一同承担连带责任。当前,消费者要求明星等代言人承担责任的呼声十分高涨,许多论文也从理论角度论证追究明星等广告代言人的合理性、可行性,而往往忽略了对明星等代言人正当利益的维护和对此问题的全面分析。本论文在结合现实与理论分析的基础上,以《食品安全法》的相关规定为契机对明星代言责任展开研究,也主张虚假广告中明星代言人的责任,但要在追究明星责任的同时注重对明星等广告代言人正当权益的保护。在保障明星合法权益的前提下,主张通过完善立法规定和设立相关法律机制来保护消费者的权益,杜绝虚假广告。本论文主要从以下几个方面展开研究:1、详尽论述明星广告代言人的代言理论,以此来确定明星广告代言活动这一社会现象的价值所在和明星在广告中所起的作用,由此确定明星代言具备承担责任的社会现实条件。明星利用其知名度为商家代言,在广告中担任描述者、推荐者、劝导者,从广告代言活动中获取高额利润,却不为广告代言所造成的影响承担任何责任的不正常现象为社会和广大消费者所不能容忍。2、从法律角度对明星代言人的法律地位、与消费者的关系以及其承担责任的法理基础等方面进行分析论述,在结合国内外相关理论实践的基础上主张明星承担责任的理论依据应是侵权责任理论。3、结合我国现状对明星代言人的责任进行思考,认为明星虽要承担责任,但同时也存在诸多责任抗辩情形。如非因明星原因所致广告性质由真实推荐转为虚假宣传;再如明星已经尽其所能地尽到注意义务仍造成消费者损失,明星所信赖的官方文件存在问题等。4、主张通过立法的形式规定的消费者和明星广告代言人的权利义务界限,规定明星所要承担的责任种类,责任期限及抗辩事由等实体法内容,并通过程序性法律的制定建立保障消费者利益的法律机制,通过举证责任的特殊分配来加重明星代言人的举证责任,通过设立专门的行政监管机构管理广告代言活动,并主张通过建立公益诉讼制度来减轻消费者的负担,更有效率的维护消费者的权益。以上几个方面的内容组成了本论文,更详尽、充分地论证了我国建立广告代言人责任机制的合理性与可行性。

【Abstract】 The event of“three deer”powdered milk which drunk by babies and infants attracted people to pay more attention to the responsibility of star who acted as a spokesman for enterprises in advertisement. Look over related cases that happened in recent two year, although some consumer sued the stars as advertisement spokesman, stars rarely take any legal liability. Investigating the reason, it is because the legal system of our country doesn’t integrate the advertisement spokesman as the subject of legal rules and regulations. But fortunately, the new revision "Food Security Law" already changed this present situation, it explicitly stipulate the joint responsibilities of stars and other advertisement spokesmen with production operator when they behavior in unreal advertisement to seduce consumer to buy the commodity which injured the consumer. At present, the voice of consumer of demanding stars to take their responsibilities is becoming higher and higher. Many articles have also argued from a theoretical point to prove the rationality and feasibility but neglected the legitimate interests of stars and the comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon. On the basis of analysis of combining with practical and theoretical and the related regulations of <food safety law>, this paper also insist on to ask stars undertake a joint responsibility with Commodity producers. Moreover, protecting the rights of stars is also very important. On this premise, it is advisable to protect the legitimate interests of consumer and eradicate false advertising through laying down new rules and regulations and build new mechanism. The following aspects are what I will research and give my opinions:First of all, many theories about star as ad spokesman will be produced and discussed which will prove the value of this phenomenon and define the role of star when they advertise for the business. From this information, we can conduct that the stars of advertisement have ability and social condition to take the related duty. Consumer can not endure the unfair fact that stars procure so much money by advertising for the business but take few responsibilities.Secondly, I will study the legal status of stars when they enjoy the advertisement and the relationship between consumer and star and the related theories on responsibilities. The information mostly stand on the legal point, many aboard perspectives will be introduced. From the above content, I claim that star should bear responsibility on the theory of tort liability. Thirdly, it is no doubt that stars should take tort liability at China’s status quo, but at the same time there are a lot of reasons should be consider which can be used by stars to defend responsibility, such as advertising spokesman have no mistake when the ad from true to false propaganda; stars had done their best to pay attention to the ad but still causing the loss of consumers, the fault in official documents and so on.Fourthly, to define the limits of rights and obligations of consumer and star, the period of responsibility and the type of responsibility of stars and the cases star can be used to defend responsibility through the form of substantive law legislation. Through the establishment of mechanism procedural laws to protect consumer interests, through a special allocation of the burden of proof to add to the burden of proof of star, through the establishment of specialized institutions to manage the administrative supervision of advertising advocacy activities, and through the establishment of public interest litigation system to reduce the burden on consumers and more efficient maintenance of consumer interests.Several aspects of the above composes the present paper, more detailed, fully demonstrates the rationality and feasibility of building accountability mechanisms of China’s advertising spokesman.

【关键词】 广告明星代言人责任
【Key words】 advertisementstarspokesmanresponsibility
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1005