

The Synthetic Experimental Study of the Imitated Chicken-Blood Stone

【作者】 滕巍巍

【导师】 于万里;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 材料学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们对鸡血石需求的日益增加,近年来市场上鸡血石不断走俏,优质鸡血石原料供不应求,因此,市场上出现了各种各样的优化处理品和仿制品,对消费者和收藏者的利益产生了损害。本论文利用偏光显微镜、X射线衍射仪、X射线荧光光谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪等仪器设备,对从市场上采集的仿鸡血石样品的光学性质、结构及成分进行了分析。并分别以绿泥石、叶蜡石、高岭石为原料,再辅以有机胶黏剂和有机染料,在常温常压和常温加压的条件下合成了仿鸡血石样品。研究结果表明,仿鸡血石的密度和折射率均小于天然鸡血石;其成分与天然鸡血石的也不相同,天然鸡血石的“地”的成分为高岭石和地开石,“血”为辰砂(HgS)。而仿鸡血石的“地”主要矿物为绿泥石,且含有少量石英杂质,其红色部分是由于红色有机颜料的添加造成的;经显微镜下研究,样品应该为天然绿泥石研磨后混入红色颜料后压制而成。对合成的鸡血石仿制品进行了宝石学参数的测定,并与市场上销售的仿鸡血石的参数做了对比。结果表明,本实验合成的仿制品在密度、折射率、硬度等宝石学参数上与市场上销售的仿制品均相似。本文仿鸡血石的合成实验既为人工合成鸡血石提供一种合成方法,也有助于市场上仿鸡血石的鉴定和识别。

【Abstract】 Recent years, the chicken-blood stone becomes popular in the market. With people’s increasing demand, high-quality raw materials were in short supply. Therefore, a wide variety of imitation appeared on the market and the customer and collectors’profits were hurt. The imitated blood stone was studied in this context. The optic characters, structure and components of the sample were analyzed with the instruments such as XRF, XRD, FTIR, polarized microscope, etc. The imitated blood stones were synthesized under normal temperature and standard atmosphere, normal temperature and high pressure with chlorite, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, organic adhesive and organic dyes in our lab.The results show that the density and refractive index of the sample is lower than the natural’s. The main components of the natural’s terra are kaolinite and pholerite. The natural’s blood is cinnabar. The imitated bloodstone from the market was mainly composed of chlorite. The red part of the imitated blood stone was caused by the appending gules organic pigment. The imitated blood stone was pressed with triturated chlorite interfused with the pigments as we observed under the microscope. The gemstones parameters of the imitated blood stone we made were detected and compared with the imitation found on the market. The results show that the gemstones parameters of the imitated blood stone we made are similar with the ones from the market. The experiment proposed in this paper provides not only a possible way of the imitated blood stone but also a method to the identification of the imitation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期