

The Study of Ares Low Permeability Oil Reservoir Characterization and Development Technique

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 刘鹏程; 王江;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 石油与天然气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 阿雷斯油田位于克兹奥尔达州舍尔达林区,在区域构造上,位于南图尔盖盆地阿雷斯库姆坳陷中的阿希赛地垒背斜构造带,属于古生界基岩隆起之上的披覆背斜构造,但与邻近的布里诺夫油田、滨湖油田处于不同的构造带。构造整体为一宽缓背斜构造,构造东陡西缓,在构造主体部位东部断层比较发育,西部断层相对较少,圈闭类型主要为断背斜。产油层白垩系划分为M-I-1、M-I-2、M-I-3和M-II-0、M-II-1五套地层;侏罗系划分为Ю-0-0、Ю-0-1、Ю-0-2、Ю-0-3、Ю-0-4和Ю-I六套地层;其中M-I-1、Ю-0-1和Ю-0-3为阿雷斯油田主力含油气地层。储层岩石类型多,有粉砂岩、细砂岩、砂岩和砾岩,以细砂岩和粉砂岩为主;沉积韵律以正韵律为主,包括反韵律、均匀韵律;白垩系储层沉积相主要为三角洲平原亚相的分流河道,侏罗系储层沉积相主要为三角洲前缘亚相的水下分流河道、河口坝;白垩系储层平均孔隙度19.3%,平均渗透率30mD,属于中孔、低渗透储层,砂体具有较严重的层内、平面非均质性;侏罗系储层平均孔隙度26%,平均渗透率323mD,属于中高孔、中高渗透储层,层内、平面非均质性较严重。M-I-1、Ю-0-1的砂体薄且纯,单砂体内夹层少,单砂体间隔层稳定发育,Ю-0-3砂体厚,层内泥质夹层比较发育。阿雷斯油田白垩系为平缓披覆背斜构造,储层砂体在全区比较发育,油藏类型为受断层控制的带气顶边水的饱和构造油气藏;侏罗系地层边部厚顶部薄,储层砂体主要分布在油田的中、东部,Ю-0-1为受岩性-断层控制的带边水的构造油藏,Ю-0-3为受断层控制的具有气顶和边水的饱和构造油气藏。在原始地层压力条件下,油井最大合理生产压差可确定为3.0MPa。阿雷斯油田白垩系自喷井初期产能约为20m3/d,侏罗系为45m3/d;白垩系人工举升井初期产能约为30m3/d,侏罗系为70m3/d。阿雷斯油田单井经济极限产量为5.0m3/d。阿雷斯油田合理开发方式为注水开发。阿雷斯油田白垩系油藏合理井距150m;侏罗系为250~300m。阿雷斯油田应用水平井、油井压裂增产效果明显,但除Ю-0-3外,其它储层由于有效厚度较小、夹层发育,钻水平井存在一定风险。

【Abstract】 Arys Oil Field is located in the district sherlinta area kizipolt state, In the regional tectonic, of anticline horst axisa depression aryskum South Turgai basin, Paleozoic bedrock is uplifted above the drape anticline, However, blinov nearby oil fields, oil fields at different Binhu tectonic belt. The overall structure of a relief anticline, construction East West steep relief in the eastern part of the main fault structure comparison development, relatively few western fault, trap types are mainly broken anticline.The middle Cretaceous reservoir is divided into M-I-1, M-I-2, M-I-3 and M-II-0, M-II-1 sets of strata; Jurassic is divided into J-0-0, J-0-1, J-0-2, J-0-3, J-0-4 and six J-I formation; one M-I-1, J-0-1 and J-0-3 for the ares, the main hydrocarbon-bearing formation oil field .Multi-reservoir rock types, there are pink sandstone, fine sandstone, sandstone and conglomerate, in order to fine-grained sandstone and siltstone dominated; sedimentary rhythm with positive rhythm-based, including anti-rhythm, uniform rhythm; Cretaceous reservoir facies are mainly delta plain subfacies of the distributary channel, Jurassic reservoir facies is mainly delta front subfacies underwater distributary channel, mouth bar; Cretaceous reservoir average porosity of 19.3%, with an average penetration rate of 30mD, is a medium porosity and low permeability reservoirs, sand body has a more serious level, the plane heterogeneity; Jurassic Reservoir average porosity 26%, with an average penetration rate of 323mD, belonging to middle and high hole, high permeability reservoir, layer, plane heterogeneity more serious. MI-1,Ю-0-1 sand body thin and pure, single-laminated sand-body small, single-layer stability and development of sand interval,Ю-0-3 sand thick layer of mud sandwich more development.Arys Cretaceous oil for gentle drape anticline reservoir sand body development in the region comparison, reservoir type controlled by the fault side of gas cap with the saturated water reservoir structure; Jurassic thick edge at the top of thin reservoir sand bodies are mainly distributed in the oil fields in the eastern, J-0-1 for lithology - fault-controlled structure with side water reservoir, J-0-3 to be a fault with the air control Top and edge water reservoirs saturated structure.In the original formation pressure conditions, the largest oil producing pressure drop can be reasonably identified as 3.0MPa. Ares Cretaceous oil flowing well initial production capacity of around 20m3/d, of the Jurassic is 45m3/d; Well the early Cretaceous artificial lift production capacity of about 30m3/d, of the Jurassic is 70m3/d. Ares Economic Limit of Single Well Oil Field production of 5.0m3/d. Ares way for rational development of oil field water flooding. Ares Cretaceous oil reservoir reasonably well spacing 150 meters, Jurassic 250~300 meters. Ares Oilfield horizontal wells, oil well fracturing effect of significantly increasing production, but apart fromЮ-0-3, other reservoirs because the effective thickness of small mezzanine development, there are certain risks of drilling horizontal wells.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】269