

Detection of Yield and Salt-tolerant QTLs by Using Selected Backcross Introgression Lines in Rice (Oryza Sativa. L)

【作者】 钱益亮

【导师】 高用明; 石英尧;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻产量性状由于遗传率低、环境互作和生物学基础复杂,育种中存在较大困难。利用高代回交选择导入系群体剖析复杂数量性状和目标性状定向改良,在我国的作物分子育种中已得到广泛应用。本实验选用生产上大面积推广应用的当家品种作轮回亲本构建高代回交群体并进行产量选择,对水稻产量相关的结实率、千粒重、穗长、穗实粒、穗总粒、有效穗、单株产量和株高进行QTL定位及主要位点效应分析;同时对产量选择导入系进行耐盐性鉴定和耐盐QTL定位,阐述如何在生产实践中应用定位的结果,培育高产耐盐水稻新品种;并分析了不同背景下的应用前景,分析产量及耐盐指标的重叠QTL的效应。1.对水稻结实率、千粒重、穗长、穗实粒、穗总粒、有效穗、单株产量和株高进行QTL定位分析,在蜀恢527/ZDZ057群体中8个目标性状共检测到了49个QTL,分别定位了9个、12个、4个、5个、5个、2个、2个和10个QTL,分布在除了第8染色体之外的11条染色体上;在明恢86/ZDZ057群体中8个目标性状共检测到了61个QTL,分别定位了15个、11个、8个、9个、3个、2个、5个和8个QTL,分布在除了第8染色体之外的11条染色体上;在蜀恢527/特青群体中8个目标性状共检测到了54个QTL,分别定位了9个、10个、11个、5个、7个、1个和11个QTL,分布在12条染色体上;在明恢86/特青群体中8个目标性状共检测到了31个QTL,分别定位了2个、9个、5个、4个、4个、5个和2个QTL,分布在除了第8、第9和第12染色体之外的9条染色体上。2.针对产量指标结实率、千粒重、穗长、穗实粒、穗总粒、有效穗、单株产量和株高进行位点间互作分析,在P<0.0001极显著水平下,群体蜀恢527/ZDZ057分别检测到:122、161、2、5、1、1、1和4对互作的QTL位点;群体明恢86/ZDZ057分别检测到:58、123、4、68、53、12、2和15对互作的QTL位点;群体蜀恢527/特青分别检测到:263、59、72、12、6、0、0和93对互作的QTL位点;群体明恢86/特青分别检测到:1、9、4、6、20、0、0和3对互作的QTL位点。3.研究水稻产量相关性状的遗传基础,第1、3、7染色体上值得重点关注的。本实验蜀恢527/ZDZ057、明恢86/ZDZ057、蜀恢527/特青和明恢86/特青4个群体的QTL定位中位于第1染色体上的共有30个,位于第3染色体上共有45个,位于第7染色体上共有18个。4.本实验在明恢86/ZDZ057群体中该区域检测到的第3染色体QSf3c位点(131.5 cM),是一个影响结实率、千粒重和穗实粒的主效QTL,贡献率分别是15.91%、15.64%和15.18%,对结实率、千粒重和穗实粒均表现了较大的加性效应,QSf3c在穗实粒的定位中表现出较大的正向超显性。该位点又同时与多个其他随机位点通过显著的互作进一步调控其它性状。5.本实验在蜀恢527/特青群体中定位到的QPh7b位于第7染色体的54.2cM附近,对株高的贡献率高达34.04%。除了在蜀恢527/特青群体中检测到的QPh7b和Ghd7位于同一区域,在明恢86/ZDZ057群体中检测到的QSf3c和GS3位于同一区域外,蜀恢527/ZDZ057群体中控制株高的QPh7a、蜀恢527/特青群体中控制千粒重和株高的QTgwt3f、明恢86/特青群体中控制穗总粒、有效穗的QTnsp1c和明恢86/特青群体中控制穗长的QPL3d,这4个QTL位点将是未来多环境检测及近等基因系突破的重点。6.通过对四个BC2F3群体的幼苗耐盐等级和幼苗存活天数两个性状进行了QTL定位。在群体蜀恢527/ZDZ057、明恢86/ZDZ057、蜀恢527/特青和明恢86/特青中分别检测到了11、15、11和6个控制幼苗耐盐等级和幼苗存活天数的QTL,其中群体明恢86/ZDZ057检测到的15个QTL中有3个QTL具有多效性。其中有2个QTL能在蜀恢527/ZDZ057和明恢86/ZDZ057群体分别检测到,1个QTL可以在蜀恢527/ZDZ057和蜀恢527/特青群体分别检测到,1个QTL在明恢86/ ZDZ057和明恢86/特青群体中分别检测到。QSst2c、QSst10b、QSst12、QSds1b、QSst4b、QSst2d、QSst2e、QSds10、QSst1b、QSst10c、QSst10d和QSds4b能解释的表型变异分别为20.36%、24.06%、22.50%、28.45%、21.39%、23.31%、34.92%、42.18%、20.29%、20.50%、21.31%和26.27%,QSst12表现为负向超显性,QSst4b和QSds10表现为正向超显性,QSst10b和QSst2d分别表现为负向和正向部分显性。7.针对耐盐指标幼苗耐盐等级和幼苗存活天数进行位点间互作分析,在P<0.005极显著水平下,群体蜀恢527/ZDZ057分别检测到:40和5对互作QTL位点;群体明恢86/ZDZ057分别检测到:31和19对互作QTL位点;群体蜀恢527/特青分别检测到:40和5对互作QTL位点;群体明恢86/特青分别检测到:31和19对互作QTL位点。8. QSst2d、QSst10b、QSst12、QSds1b、QSst9a、QSst4b、QSst2e、QSst2f和QSds10这九个主效基因在常规育种中要充分利用其加性效应,利用来自ZDZ057的QSst2d、QSst10b和QSst12等位基因和来自特青的QSst2e、QSst2f来降低耐盐等级进而提高品种耐盐性,利用来自明恢86的QSds1b和QSds10等位基因来延长幼苗存活天数进而提高耐盐性,同时利用来自蜀恢527的QSst9a和QSst4b等位基因来降低耐盐等级进而提高品种耐盐性。9. ZDZ057在蜀恢527及明恢86背景下12个遗传重叠的位点,其中ZDZ057在蜀恢527及明恢86背景下重叠位点数最小的是3个,最多的达到6个。特青在蜀恢527及明恢86背景下5个遗传重叠的位点,其中特青在蜀恢527及明恢86背景下重叠位点数最小的是3个,最多的高达7个,四个群体中定位到的这17个重叠频率异常的区域将是未来近等基因系的工作方向,重叠的位点在相应的群体中都具有较大的贡献率。

【Abstract】 It’s quite difficult to manipulate the yield traits of rice due to the low inheritance,interaction with environment and the complex biology elements.Using the advance selective backcross introgression lines to take apart complex quantity traits and improvement of goal character is abroad applied in crop molecule breeding in our country.The experiment selects basic varieties whice is popularized widely as current parents to construct advanced backcross lines and go along with yield selection.To proceed the QTL and main points effect analysis is about the spikelet fertility, thousand grains weitht, panicle length, the number of filled grains per panicle, total number of spikelets per panicle, the number of panicles per acre, grain yield per plant and plant height of rice yield traits.At the same time,to proceed the salt-tolerance traits identify and QTL orientation of score of salt toxicity and survival days of seedlings with the selected introgression lines it to set forth how to apply the output of the QTL orientation in the manufacture practice and to cultivate high-yield with salt-tolerance new varieties.It’s to applied the foreground of different background,the effect of the overlap of the yield with salt-tolerance traits and the integration foreground using of the every point of overlap.1. To proceed the QTL and main points effect analysis is about the spikelet fertility, thousand grains weitht, panicle length, the number of filled grains per panicle, total number of spikelets per panicle, the number of panicles per acre, grain yield per plant and plant height of rice yield traits.Forty nine QTLs of eight goal traits are detected in the line of Shuhui527/ZDZ057.The eight traits QTLs are nine,twelve,four,five,five,two,two and ten separately.It’s distributed in the eleven chromosomes except for the eighth chromosome. Sixty one QTLs of eight goal traits are detected in the line of Minghui86/ZDZ057.The eight traits QTLs are fifteen,eleven,eight,nine,three,two,five and eight separately.It’s distributed in the eleven chromosomes except for the eighth chromosome. Fifty four QTLs of eight goal traits are detected in the line of Shuhui527/Teqing.The eight traits QTLs are nine,ten,eleven,five,seven,one and eleven separately.It’s distributed in the twelve chromosomes. Thirty one QTLs of eight goal traits are detected in the line of Minghui86/Teqing.The eight traits QTLs are two,nine,five,four,four,five and two separately.It’s distributed in the nine chromosomes except for the eighth,ninth and twelfth chromosomes.2. To analyse the interaction with QTLs and main points effect are about the spikelet fertility, thousand grains weitht, panicle length, the number of filled grains per panicle, total number of spikelets per panicle, the number of panicles per acre, grain yield per plant and plant height of rice yield traits.In the level of P<0.0001,there are 122,161,2,5,1,1,1 and 4 pairs interact points in the line of Shuhui527/ZDZ057. And there are 58,123,4,68,53,12,2 and 15 pairs interact points in the line of Minghui86/ZDZ057. There are 263,59,72,12,6,0,0 and 93 pairs interact points in the line of Shuhui527/Teqing.And there are 1,9,4,6,20,0,0 and 3 pairs interact points in the line of Minghui86/Teqing.3. The first,third and seventh chromosomes are worth attendance to research genetic base of rice yield traits.There are 30 QTLs in the first chromosome,45 QTLs in the third chromosome and 18 QTLs detected in the seventh chromosome of the four lines of Shuhui527/ZDZ057, Minghui86/ZDZ057, Shuhui527/Teqing and Minghui86/Teqing.4. The QSf3c(131.5 cM) in the third chromosome detected in the line of Minghui86/ZDZ057 is a main QTL impacting the spikelet fertility, thousand grain weitht and the number of filled grains per panicle.The contributions are 15.91%,15.64% and 15.18%.The point presents great add effect to the spikelet fertility, thousand grain weitht and the number of filled grains per panicle.The QSf3c presents great positive dominance in the trait of number of filled grains per panicle and controls other traits via the interact with few random points.5. The Contribution to the plant height of QPh7b(54.2cM) in the seventh chromosome detected in the line of Shuhui527/Teqing abtains 34.04%.Besides the same district of QPh7b and Ghd7 in the line of Shuhui527/Teqing and the same district of QSf3c and GS3 in the line of Minghui86/ZDZ057,the four QTLs which are QPh7a of plant height detected in the line of Shuhui527/ZDZ057, QTgwt3f of thousand grain weitht with plant height in the line of Shuhui527/Teqing, QTnsp1c of total number of spikelets per panicle with the number of panicles per acre in the line of Minghui86/Teqing and QPL3d of panicle length in the line of Minghui86/Teqing are the keystone of the future more settings detecting and near- isogenic lines research.6. A total of 11,15,11 and 6 QTL were detected in Shuhui 527/ZDZ 057, Minghui 86/ZDZ 057, Shuhui 527/Teqing and Minghui 86/Teqing respectively. Three pleiotropic QTL were found in the population of Minghui 86/ZDZ 057. There were 2 QTLs could be detected simultaneously in Shuhui 527/ZDZ057 and Minghui 86/ZDZ 057, 1 QTL in Shuhui 527/ZDZ057 and Shuhui 527/Teqing, and 1 QTL in Minghui 86/ZDZ057 and Minghui 86/Teqing. QSst2c、QSst10b、QSst12、QSds1b、QSst4b、QSst2d、QSst2e、QSds10、QSst1b、QSst10c、QSst10d and QSds4b explained 20.36%、24.06%、22.50%、28.45%、 21.39%、23.31%、34.92%、42.18%、20.29%、20.50%、21.31% and 26.27% of phenotypic variation respectively. The QSst12 showed negative overdominant effect, QSst4b and QSds10 showed positive overdominant effects, and QSst10b and QSst2d showed negative and positive partial dominant effects respectively.7. To analyse the interaction with QTLs and main points effect are about the score of salt toxicity and survival days of seedlings.In the level of P<0.005,there are 40 and 5 pairs interact points in the line of Shuhui527/ZDZ057. And there are 31 and 19 pairs interact points in the line of Minghui86/ZDZ057. There are 40 and 5 pairs interact points in the line of Shuhui527/Teqing.And there are 31 and 19 pairs interact points in the line of Minghui86/Teqing.8. The add effect of the nine main genes in the general breeding which are QSst2d,QSst10b,QSst12,QSds1b,QSst9a,QSst4b,QSst2e,QSst2f and QSds10 should be fully used . The alleles of QSst2d,QSst10b and QSst12 which are from the donor of ZDZ057 and the alleles of QSds1b and QSds10 which are from the donor of Teqing can be used to reduce the score of salt toxicity so as to heighten variety salt-tolerance. The alleles of QSds1b and QSds10 which are from the Minghui86 can be used to prolong the survival days of seedlings so as to heighten variety salt-tolerance.and the alleles of QSst9a and QSst4b which are from the Shuhui527 can be used to reduce the score of salt toxicity so as to heighten variety salt-tolerance.9. There are 12 overlaps detected from the background of ZDZ057 and Minghui86.The least overlaps are 3 locus and the most overlaps are 6 locus in the background of Shuhui527 and Minghui86 for ZDZ057. There are 5 overlaps detected from the background of Shuhui527 and Minghui86 for Teqing. The least overlaps are 3 locus and the most overlaps are 7 locus in the background of Shuhui527 and Minghui86 for Teqing.The exceptional frequency overlaps district of 17 locus detected in the four lines are the future research direction of near- isogenic lines.The contributions of the overlaps are greatly high in the corresponding lines.
