

On the E-C Neologism Translation(1998-2008): A Cultural Approach

【作者】 贾立平

【导师】 王洪涛;

【作者基本信息】 天津外国语学院 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近十年来,在世界全球化和网络普及的时代背景下,借助英汉翻译越来越多的英译外来新词不断引入到国内各行各业。然而,传统观点认为,由于源语文本的原创性和本源性,译语文本地位经常被边缘化,因此翻译对译语文本的重要意义经常被忽视。随着20世纪80年代末苏珊·巴塞纳特和安第·勒夫维尔文化转向这一翻译研究新范式的提出,翻译和译语文本对译语文化的构建作用被真正的凸显出来。本文以此为论述理据,以1998-2008年间出现的源于英语的汉语新词为研究对象,以新词翻译对中国文化建构作用为分析视角,阐述新词翻译的重要作用。本文首先介绍了近十年这一特殊的历史时期汉语新词的特点和新词翻译策略的相关变化。接着,从汉语语言、政治经济、科学技术和民众日常生活四个方面,例证论述英汉新词翻译对中国文化的构建作用。本文吸纳Snell-Hornby对文化的诠释,即,文中的文化指的是广义范围的文化概念。汉语中英译外来新词的输入不仅是新词汇的简单借用,还标志着一系列的外来文化在中国的植入。英语外来文化的植入不仅丰富了中国文化的内容,而且还推动了中国文化的发展和现代化进程,甚至意味着对中国相关制度体系的革新和完善。最后,本文提出对英汉新词翻译对中国文化的建构作用要进行辩证的审视。一方面,应该承认英汉新词翻译的重要作用。另一方面,应该保持清醒的头脑,警惕英语文化霸权对中国自身文化的消弱。本文试图从新词这个微观的翻译单位为研究对象,从小处着眼,审视译语文本的功能性地位,进而阐明英汉新词翻译对中图文化建构的作用。希望本文能为更好地理解英汉新词翻译的功能性提供些许的帮助。

【Abstract】 Against the backdrop of globalization and popularization of the Internet in the past decade, more and more Chinese neologisms translated from English spring up in all walks of our life. However, it is traditionally believed that the position occupied by the translated text is often marginal and subordinate to the original one, resulting from the originality and creativity of the latter. It leads to the ignorance of the function operated by translation.In the late 1980s, Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere advocated the cultural turn of translation studies. It highlights the constructing function of the translating practice and translations. Based on this theoretical foundation, the thesis focuses on E-C neologisms from 1998 to 2008 and attempts to expound the great contributions of E-C neologism translation to Chinese cultural construction.Firstly, the thesis introduces the characteristics of E-C neologisms and major translation strategies of E-C neologisms in the past decade. And then it turns to the contributions of E-C neologism translation to constructing Chinese culture from four aspects: Chinese language, economy and politics, science and technology, and social life of people. The concept of CULTURE in this thesis is the same as Snell-Hornby adopted, that is, it should be interpreted in an ethnographic sense.The intake of E-C neologisms is not only the simple importing and borrowing of English vocabularies but also the symbolic signs of transplanting foreign cultures into their Chinese counterpart. Multiple strange cultures not only enrich Chinese culture but make it more colorful. Meanwhile, they can facilitate the modernization of China. Moreover, their intake even evolves or improves some Chinese systems and regulations in terms of economy, science, life styles of Chinese people and so on.Finally, the thesis proposes a more dialectic attitude towards the function of E-C neologism translation in terms of Chinese cultural construction. On the one hand, the significance of E-C neologism translation should be acknowledged. On the other hand, it is necessary to keep sober-minded, and warn of the potential overshadowing or even loss of Chinese cultural identity due to English cultural hegemony. Focusing on E-C neologism translation, a relatively microscopic researching object, this thesis attempts to study the function of E-C neologism translation in terms of constructing contemporary Chinese culture. It is hoped that this thesis can help have a better understanding of the function operated by E-C neologism translation.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】1077