

Research on the DAB Dispute Solution in FIDIC Contract Conditions

【作者】 赵玲玲

【导师】 张国元;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由国际咨询工程师联合会(法文Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils,简称FIDIC)编制的五本FIDIC合同标准格式是工业发达国家土木工程业上百年的经验结晶,是目前国际工程项目中应用最广泛的通用标准和国际惯例。在实践中,一般用到的都是《FIDIC施工合同条件》,即本文所称FIDIC合同条件。争端裁决委员会(Dispute Adjudication Board,简称DAB)方式起源于美国,最初是争端审议委员会(Dispute Review Board,简称DRB)的形式。作为近年来出现的一种争端解决方式,DAB方式在国际工程合同争端解决中得到了广泛应用,取得了良好效果。本文对DAB争端解决方式的起源、运行机制、特点、法律适用、法律效力、实践应用等问题均作了较为详细的分析和探讨,以期对完善我国的国际工程合同争端解决方式有所裨益。除导言和结语外,本文共分五章,其主要内容如下:本文的第一部分介绍了DAB的起源。在国际工程项目中,由于合同的复杂性、长期性和技术性,争端的产生不可避免。一个节约成本、高速高效的争端解决方式显得非常重要。DAB方式正是在这种背景下产生并发展起来的。DAB方式不同于其他争端解决方式,在项目初始便介入其中,解决争端固然是一方面,预防争端亦是其重要工作。因此,它具有公正性、预防性、及时性、科学性、保密性和效力性等特点。第二部分分析了国际工程合同选择DAB的原因。国际工程合同由于标的大、专业性强等原因,一般采用非诉讼方式解决争端,比较常采用的有新工程合同(New Engineering Contract,简称NEC合同)以及国际商事仲裁方式。第三部分探讨了DAB方式的相关法律问题。首先借鉴仲裁法律适用的思路,分析了DAB方式的法律适用。接着讨论了DAB决定在不同情况下的法律效力:初步约束力、最终约束力以及执行力。第四部分介绍了DAB方式在国际、国内工程行业的应用情况。我国运用世界银行贷款的项目比较普遍地采用了DRB争端解决方式。第五部分分析了构建中国DAB争端解决方式的意义,指出我国工程建设虽然已出台众多合同范本,但其争端解决机制依然存在诸多问题。文章的最后,笔者提出从转变认识、完善法律、修改合同范本、培养争端解决人才等方面构建中国的DAB争端解决机制。

【Abstract】 The five books about standard forms of FIDIC Contract made by Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils (We call it FIDIC for short) are essence of the century’s experience in civil engineering industry of developed industrial countries. It’s the most universal standard and international practice used in international projects at present. In practice, the FIDIC Construction Contract terms, which are referred to FIDIC Contract condition in this article, are commonly used in Civil Engineering Industry.Dispute Adjudication Board (referred to as DAB) was originated in the United States and its initial form is Dispute Review Board (referred to as DRB). Emerging as a new way of dispute settlement, DAB is widely adopted in solution to international project disputes and it has achieved good effect.This article detailed analyzes and discusses the origin of DAB, its operating mechanism, its characteristics, application of the law, legal effect and the practical application issues. Through those analyses, the author hopes that it will be beneficial to perfect the solution to international project disputes in China. Except for the introduction and concluding remarks, this article is divided into five chapters as the following:The first part is the origin of DAB. Disputes inevitably arise in international projects, because of the complexity and technicality of contracts together with its protracted nature. A cost-effective, high-speed and efficient dispute resolution becomes very important. DAB was produced and developed under such background. Unlike the other methods of disputes settlement, DAB entered into the project before the disputes arises, as prevention of disputes is also its important function. In a word, DAB has its unique characteristics such as:impartiality, preventive, betimes, scientific nature, confidentiality, effectiveness and so on.The second part analyzes the reasons why international project chooses DAB to settle the disputes. Due to the big amount of object and its speciality, disputes of international project contract are generally settled by alternative dispute modes, among which new engineering contract (referred to as NEC) and arbitration are commonly used.The third part discusses the related legal issues in DAB. Begins with the analysis on the application of law of DAB by introducing the legal application of arbitration for reference, this part discusses the legal effect of DAB under different situations as: initial binding, final binding and executive ability.The fourth part introduces the application situations of DAB in project industry fields at home and aboard. In practice, projects which use World Bank loans generally adopt DAB dispute settlement nowadays in China.The last part analyzes the significance of constructing the DAB dispute settlement mechanism in China. Though there are large numbers of model contracts, our dispute settlement mechanism still has a lot of problems. Finally, the author brings forward the idea of building up DAB dispute settlement mechanism in China through changing of cognitive, perfecting of related laws, amending on model contracts and training of qualified personnel.
