

"Justice for All"-The Development of Modern Legal Aid System in England

【作者】 廖灿强

【导师】 周伟文;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 英国法律援助制度在发展的过程中,经历了从慈善阶段到权利主义阶段再到国家责任、社会福利阶段的变化,这一变化是在19世纪末期到20世纪英国司法改革的背景中完成的。在其发展过程中,“程序正义”与“所有人的正义”及“所有人均有接近正义的权利”等理念一直贯穿其中。全文包括引言、论文主体五章、结语,共三大部分:引言部分,总体概括了英国法律援助制度。在现代英国,法律援助(legal aid)制度是被认为是法律服务的相关制度,包含着刑事、民事等多方面的内容。作为世界上最早实行法律援助的国家,英国不但是法律援助制度的发源地,而且也是当今世界上法律援助制度最为完善的国家之一论文主体共分五章。第一章论述“法律援助”的概念及相关理论。英国的法律援助,实质上属于广义上的法律援助。而无论是狭义的或者是广义的定义,都离不开“法律援助是为穷人或者是有需要的人提供的法律帮助”这一点。从这一点来看,法律援助制度实际上是实现司法平等的保障。法律援助亦是司法正义的必然要求。第二章介绍了“二战”前的英国法律援助制度的发展情况。英国的法律援助制度的产生和发展过程,大致上可以分为慈善阶段、权利主义阶段、国家责任社会福利阶段三个主要阶段。前两个阶段都带有浓厚的道义色彩,被称为慈善时代的法律援助。慈善时代法律援助,经历了《1494年法》、《1531年法》的初创,法律援助作为一种国家制度在英国正式产生;之后于1914年出现的《穷人程序法》进一步扩大了法律援助的对象范围。第三章论述了战后英国现代法律援助制度的建立与发展。英国现代法律援助的建立,是以1949年的《法律援助及法律咨询法》的通过为标志的。其后英国又通过了几个重要的法律援助法案,如1964年的《法律援助法案》、1967年的《刑事司法法》、1972年的《法律咨询与帮助法》、1974年的《法律援助法》最终1988年《法律援助法》通过、生效。第四章介绍了英国现代法律援助制度的管理与运行。自《1949年法》以来通过一系列的立法所建立起来的现代法律援助制度包括代理、咨询、协助,其类型包括民事法律援助、刑事法律援助和特别诉讼法律援助等。在《1949年法》生效后,法律援助主要由律师公会进行管理;在《1988年法》后,实际的管理职责是由新建立的非政府专门组织——法律援助委员会承担的。现代法律援助制度的服务机构除了有赢利性的律师事务所之外,还包括非赢利性的法律中心、公民咨询局以及其他法律服务机构。第五章论述了《1988年法》出现的问题及改革。《1988年法》的相关措施,虽然在当时而言,已经趋于完善:但是自其实施以来,随着经济的发展以及这一制度安排本身的缺陷,问题依旧不断出现:资金的问题、法律援助服务的质量参差不齐、法律援助资源浪费严重问题等。基于上述出现的问题,在20世纪80、90年代英国司法改革的大背景之下,法律援助制度亦进行了大幅度的改革,其标志便是在1999年通过《接近正义法》结语部分总结了英国法律援助制度发展的特点。英国现代法律援助制度是建立在司法正义与保证任何人都有接近正义的权利的前提之上的。其历史发展的悠久、制度的完备、考虑的周到,不仅在英美法国家、英联邦国家的法律援助制度的建立、发展有着不可忽视的重要作用,而且对大陆法系国家而言,亦有着很重要的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 In the process of its development, the English modern legal aid system goes through three major stages:the period of charity, the period of rightism and the state liability, social welfare period. The justice reform from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century provided the backdrop for these changes. And the principles of "Process justice", "justice for all "and "everyone has the right to approach the justice" run throug all the time.This article is composed of the introduction, five main chapters and the conclusion.The introduction section sums up the legal aid system in England. In England, legal aid is considered as one part of the system of legal services. It includes criminal and civil litigation service and so on. As the first country to practice legal aid in the world, England is not only the cradle of legal aid system, but also thecountry with the most developed legal aid system in the world.This main part are separated into five chapters. Chapter one discuses the conception of legal aid and the relating theories. The legal aid in England belongs to the broad legal aid concept. But no matter in broad or narrow senses, it have the same point:legal aid is the legal assistance providing for the poor people and the people in need. In this point, legal aid system are the safeguard of achieving legislation equality and the necessity request of legislation justice.Chapter two introduces the development of legal aid in England before the World WarⅡ.The development of the legal aid system in England can be divided into three phases:the period of charity, the period of rightism and the state liability(social welfare) period. The former two periods seem to be of moral characteristic so as to be called charity period. In this period,the<1491 Acts> and the<1531 Acts>,started the national systen in England; and The Process of The<Poor Act> in 1914 provided legal aid services to mare people.Chapter three concerns the foundation and development of modem legal aid system in England after World War II.The modern English system of legal aid was set up by<Legal Aid and Advice Act> in 1949. After that, many other legal aid acts and regulations were enacted, they are<Legal Aid Act> in 1964, <Criminal Justice Act> in 1967,<Legal Assistance and Advice Act> in 1972, <Legal Aid Act> in 1974. And finally, the<Legal Aid Act> were passed and became effective in 1988.Chapter four introduce the management and function of the modern legal aid system in England. There are a series of legislation which established the modern legal aid system after the<1949 Act>, concluding representation,advice, assistance in the types of civil legal aid, criminal legal aid and special legal aid. At first, the legal aid was provided by the Lawyer community, then after the Act of 1988 going into effect, it becomes the duty of a new founded non-government organition——the Legal Aid Board. The modern serving organizations include profitable law firms as well as non-profitable organizations like Law centers Citizens’Advice Bureaux and other legal service provisers.Chapter five concerns the problems of the<1988 Act> and the related legal reforms. The legal aid measures prescribed in the<1988 Act>, when carrying out, result in many problems, such as financing problems, low quality problems, the wasting problem and so on. In the circumstances, the reforms of the legal aid system take place, and the result is the act of<Access to Justice> in 1999. Some concluding remarks summed up the development of the British legal aid system in the last part. The modern legal aid system of England is builded upon the judicial justice and the guarantee of anyone’s right to approach just. Its long history and maturity set a good example not only to the common law countries but also the civil law countries.

【关键词】 英国法律援助发展
【Key words】 EnglandLegal aidDevelopment