

Research on Mineral Processing Technology of Containing Iron Low-Grade Phosphate Ores of LiaoXi

【作者】 郭嘉

【导师】 任瑞晨;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是磷资源大国,但北方磷资源含磷低,北方磷铁矿选矿厂多数以磁选工艺回收其中的磁铁矿,而丢弃磁选尾矿,造成磷资源浪费。根据我国矿产资源可持续发展战略,重视北方低品位磷矿的综合回收利用,可以合理利用资源,减轻南磷北运的运输压力。本论文磷灰石矿取自辽西某磷矿。对该厂的原矿进行矿物化学分析,原矿中P2O5品位为3.0%左右,Fe2O3品位达12%左右。该磷矿石以硅酸盐类矿物为主,脉石矿物主要含有长石、白云石、石英、云母等。该厂现流程工艺是破碎—磨矿—浮选—磁选。问题是该厂磷精矿中Fe2O3含量为3.11%,含铁高,影响了磷的工业指标。并且,选用先浮选后磁选造成浮选药剂的浪费,因此工艺合理性需要研究。本论文对原有工艺进行改进,先通过磁选除去大量铁矿物,这样不仅减少了浮选药剂的加入量同时也降低了磷精矿中Fe2O3的含量。原矿利用化学全分析、电子显微镜及XRD等鉴定方法,确定原矿的化学成分、结构构造、矿物组成及特征。判断矿物共生关系及嵌布粒度。分析矿物组成与结构对选矿的影响。为磨矿作及浮选药剂制度等提供依据。磨矿是分选前准备作业的重要组成部分,首先对原矿破碎产物进行小筛分试验,分析P2O5和TFe在各粒级中的分布规律。再通过试验找出入料浓度和磨矿时间与磨矿细度的关系,根据磨矿细度对磁选和浮选的影响,最终确定最优磨矿制度:磨矿浓度60%,磨矿时间15min,磨矿细度-200目82%。通过磁选浓度、磁场强度对铁矿回收率和品位的影响,确定磁选最佳矿浆浓度25%和磁场强度3175Oe。浮选过程中氧化石蜡皂是磷矿的有效捕收剂,温度25℃时捕收能力最佳。脉石矿物主要属硅酸盐类矿物,选用水玻璃抑制剂;其次是碳酸盐类矿物,可用碳酸钠调节。通过正交试验确定浮选药剂最佳用量:捕收剂用量600g/t,水玻璃用量1200g/t,起泡剂用量100g/t,碳酸钠用量500g/t;磷灰石的回收率和品位分别达到92.24%、32.27%,满足工业要求。通过研究确定了新的选矿工艺流程:破碎—磨矿—磁选—浮选。充分回收磷矿和铁矿的同时节省了浮选药剂的加入量,并降低了磷精矿中铁的含量。

【Abstract】 The phosphate rock resource is resourceful in china. But it is poor in North of Chinese. It is usually recovery iron mine by magnetic separation process and discards the phosphate rock. This way will waste resource. According to resources sustainable development and comprehensive utilization of the phosphate rock, we mast utilize resources rationally and reduce the pressure of transportation.The phosphate rock is provided by a plant of LiaoXi. The ore belongs to silicate minerals. Gangue minerals include feldspar, dolomite, quartz and mica. Recently the processing of this plant is crushing-grinding- magnetic separation- flotation. The grade of P2O5 is about 3.0% and Fe2O3 is about 12%. The phosphate concentrate with Fe2O3 3.11% is higher. The results show that magnetic separation can reduce magnetic material content and reduce the content of iron ore.According to some method, for example chemistry analysis、electronic microscope and XRD, we can definite chemical composition, structure, mineral construction and characteristic. We can know the mineral symbiosis relation and granularity. The effects of mineral constitute and structure is important for mineral processing technology. This study will provide foundation for magnetic separation and flotation. Magnetic separation is very important part. First, according to the screen separation test can analysis distributing discipline of P2O5 and TFe. And then the study can show the relation of consistency and time about the granularity. Finally we can definite the best factor according to the effect of magnetic separation and flotation. The best factor is consistency 60%,15min, granularity -200目82%. The effect of consistency and magnetic field intensity about recovery and grade show that the best factor is consistency 25%, magnetic field intensity 3175Oe. Oxidized paraffin soap is the best collector of flotation. And its best temperature is 25℃. Gangue belongs to silicate ore. It can be inhibited by sodium silicate and regulated by Na2CO3. The best dosage of flotation is definite by orthogonal design. It is Oxidized paraffin soap 600g/t , sodium silicate 1200g/t,frother 100g/t,sodium carbonate 500g/t;The phosphate concentrate with the grade of P2O5 32.27% and the recovery of 92.24% has been obtained in industrial adjustment.According to the research of the new mineral processing technology determines the process flow and process conditions, crushing-grinding - flotation- magnetic separation. It can recovery phosphate and iron ore. It also can save the flotation reagent. The phosphate concentrate contain minor amounts of iron ore.
