

The Reach on the Reconstruction Technical of Urban DTM and Building Models Based on the LIDAR

【作者】 高嵩

【导师】 王崇倡;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着空间信息需求的不断增加,“数字地球”的概念深入人心,如何高效地获取高精度、可靠的三维数据已成为测绘工作者研究的热点。本文主要研究机载LIDAR数据处理的理论和方法,在分析和总结了LIDAR技术原理和特点的基础上,探讨机载LIDAR数据城市地表和建筑物模型提取中的关键技术,具体内容如下:(1)深入分析研究了LIDAR系统组成、工作原理、数据特点和应用领域。(2)在地形重建方面主要概述了滤波的基本概念和原理,讨论分析了各种滤波算法和插值算法,结合本文数据特点和应用选择了移动曲面拟合算法进行了滤波,在分析了各种插值算法的基础上,采用了不规则三角网创建地表模型。(3)在建筑物提取方面主要分析了当前主流的建筑物提取算法,提出了一种基于影像的粗提取方法,并在粗提取的基础上利用TERRA BUILD软件辅助进行了精细的建筑物模型提取。(4)编程实现了移动曲面拟合算法,并在阈值判断机制方面进行了改进。以上内容经过实验验证,算法简单有效,能够满足中小城市三维建模的需要。

【Abstract】 With the increasing demand for spatial information , "Digital Earth" are slowly filtering into people’s minds。So how to obtain high-precision and reliable three-dimensional mapping data efficiently has become a hotspot for surveying and mapping workers.This paper has mainly studied the theories and methods of data processing technology of airborne LIDAR, and on the basis of analyzing and summarizing the principles and characteristics of LIDAR technology to probing the key technology of airborne LIDAR data in extraction urban surface and building models, the detail content as follows:(1) Making an intensive study of the LIDAR system composition, the working principle, the data features and the application area.(2) Discussing on the basic concept and the principle of filtering mainly in surface reconstruction, analyzing of various kinds of Filtering algorithm and interpolation algorithm, combining the characteristics of data with its applications to choose a mobile surface fitting algorithms to filter, using Tin to create surface models based on the analysis of various kinds of interpolation algorithm.(3) Analyzing the current building extraction algorithm in the aspects of building extraction, putting forward a rough extraction method based on image, and making a fine extraction of building models used TERRA BUILD software.(4) Realizing the mobile surface fitting algorithm by Programming, and improving the method of determining threshold.

【关键词】 LIDAR误差源滤波三维模型重建
【Key words】 LIDARError sourcesFiltering3DmodelsReconstruction